Some really interesting pictures of instrument restoration

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Fascinating. Those deep throat thickness gauges, woah! Thanks for the link (y)
VERY interesting. It's quite strange how (apparently) totally unrelated events conspire to provide pertinent information. There is no way the @Cooper could know that I sing in a number of choirs, nor that one of those choirs has planned a performance of the Bach St John Passion for next year. Still less that I might actually [click] on the link - yet the very first image - a Viola d'amore - quite a rare instrument, is still in use today due primarily to the fact that Bach calls for such in his orchestration!!

Since I don't know the work intimately, and in fact have no knowledge of the instruments needed (I just use my voice :) ) this one posting gives me knowledge that could give me unwarranted kudos :eek: :dunno: :ROFLMAO: