Established Member
You want brick then! If someone can smash through a single layer of wood, two layers won’t stop them
And your doors and windows are weaker still
And your doors and windows are weaker still
yuzi87":1dtubp0l said:...... this is literally just a shed that wont be heated.....
That would work":1e59sg85 said:I like this idea. And glad that you finally got a measured and civil response!
That would work":3bc2zq7b said:The wire mesh as security
I do that around the walls of bikes sheds for security. Stainless steel EML rather than galvanised. Pointless, of course, unless you also have a steel door and high security locking system.That would work":aw7sawou said:The wire mesh as security
owen said:I can't understand how you would get interstitial condensation inside a shed without there being a shower/ tumble drier etc in there to make the air humid in the first place.
The issue is not about humidity it is about relative humidity
All air contains water vapour. The amount of water vapour that can be held depends upon the temperature. The warmer the air the more water vapour it can hold
So back to the shed on a moderately warm damp winters day the air will be fairly saturated with water vapour and this air will slowly permeate into the cavity. If we then have a cold clear night the air temperature and the temperature of the outer surface of the shed will drop.
If this temperature drops to a point such that the air can no longer hold all the vapour that was originally in it and so the water condenses out. The temperature at which this occurs is known as the dew point
MikeG.":3tk268bj said:I do that around the walls of bikes sheds for security. Stainless steel EML rather than galvanised. Pointless, of course, unless you also have a steel door and high security locking system.That would work":3tk268bj said:The wire mesh as security