Shopping trolley wheels

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Stick it on E Bay for 50p - up here they are only a £1 each from the major supermarkets :wink: :wink:

Regards Mick
With a bit of tinkering I can see a zimmerframe and also an extra large hand basket- so many times I've wished the hand basket was a bit bigger :lol:
so next time i see one of these il know steve has been there


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Chain it up outside, some scrote will cut the chain and steal it.

I've just been shopping and spoke to the rather lovely supervisor lady. She's sending someone to collect the ashes tomorrow.
So that's one problem solved, but I still haven't found any Pecorino. The cheese selection is woeful.
sorry to sound dim :/ but how did u get them off in the end steve?

waiting for abuse for asking stupid question

regards richard
Richard - I borrowed a cranked ring spanner.
Roger - Morrison's actually. The store had been open only a few weeks when I moved here and it was fantastic. I remember thinking at the time, I wonder how much of this fresh produce they are going to sell here. Eddoes, mooli. A dozen different varieties of aubergine.
Over the last year it has been rationalised a lot. So no Pecorino or Port Salut but a dozen different brands of lard and sliced white bread. There is a deli counter, but most of the display is fake, plastic. Yes really.
Steve Maskery":5d0mp2yz said:
There is a deli counter, but most of the display is fake, plastic. Yes really.

Presumably someone thinks that that people will buy the idea of good food, but not the actual food?
I'm just glad to be shot of it and that it is not littering pu the neighbourhood. The area is run-down enough as it is.
By the way, thank you to all for the ideas and help.