During a rummage through my wood pile I found a really nice short length of dry elm that my wife wants me to use to make a John Hall mirror frame (100) Pinterest
I've found a pretty good article of how to make one plus patterns for the fret work and I'm thinking of buying a Shinto Rasp to smooth the curves. Has anybody got such a rasp who can comment? Also they are out of stock everywhere except Amazon where they are £40! even Aliexpress want £32 incl shipping and it will take until at least 9th march to get here - I'd rather get one from a UK supplier if possible. Any ideas?
I've found a pretty good article of how to make one plus patterns for the fret work and I'm thinking of buying a Shinto Rasp to smooth the curves. Has anybody got such a rasp who can comment? Also they are out of stock everywhere except Amazon where they are £40! even Aliexpress want £32 incl shipping and it will take until at least 9th march to get here - I'd rather get one from a UK supplier if possible. Any ideas?