Shinto Rasps

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19 Jan 2019
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During a rummage through my wood pile I found a really nice short length of dry elm that my wife wants me to use to make a John Hall mirror frame (100) Pinterest

I've found a pretty good article of how to make one plus patterns for the fret work and I'm thinking of buying a Shinto Rasp to smooth the curves. Has anybody got such a rasp who can comment? Also they are out of stock everywhere except Amazon where they are £40! even Aliexpress want £32 incl shipping and it will take until at least 9th march to get here - I'd rather get one from a UK supplier if possible. Any ideas?
I have one - and it's an incredibly simple but effective tool. It's just so simple, but can take a lot of material off very quickly - almost TOO quickly in fact - so make sure you switch to the fine side when appropriate.

Mine stays on the rack a lot of the time, but when I need it, I wonder how I managed without it.

It's actually quite wide though - I could almost do with a smaller one (As well) for tighter curves.
As above, very simple to use.
I used it to shape some draw handles recently and loved it.

Coarse side works quick, fine side leaves a surprisingly good finish.

There is a second version which you can hold like a hand plane. I didn't go for that, so can't comment on it. It also comes in two lengths.

I recently saw one in Axi store in High Wycombe. I got mine from Amazon when the price was £29 or something in November.

As I had mentioned in a different thread, it is the best tool I bought in 2021!
Just had to look at this post Mike , because the first thing that came to mind was you get them from Sumo wrestlers :LOL: I know it's true as i spent some time in Japan :)
Just bought 11" one from Tyzack's on Amazon £40 free delivery - expensive but otherwise I would have to wait for months or travel 40 miles just to save £6. Thanks for the responses (y)
Amazon today. Not double sided though.

Good find! Seems a much better price.
Difficult to tell if it's double sided or not. The description doesn't state... but some of the questions/answers and reviews seem to suggest it is double sided (fine and course).
In stock 5 day delivery

I think it's 5 day despatch, it says delivered 1st to 10th of March, unless I'm reading it wrong. Very good price though, I've ordered mine 🙂

Just noticed if you pay a bit more you can get it Sunday, apologies 😟
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They do look great. I was impressed when I saw Sellers using one. But are they so much better than a surform and traditional rasp, which I have, that it's worth the money?
They do look great. I was impressed when I saw Sellers using one. But are they so much better than a surform and traditional rasp, which I have, that it's worth the money?
From Paul Sellers video, much more 'file like' than a surform? I'm guessing due to improvements in the way the plate is cut?
IMHO the action was closer to a file than a surform?
I was in G&S Timber Penrith on Tuesday and they had one hanging up on the display, the website had shown "out of stock" , might be worth a call
I have both versions (from G and S Penrith) and love them. They can be very aggressive if you haven't used one before but you soon get used to it. I am a big fan of the saw rasps. I turn to these before by Narex rasps though I do love a good hand stitched rasp...Shintos are recommended.
I’ve got one (from the bay and shipped direct from Japan as I didn’t mind waiting). Really pleased with it. I was surprised how coarse/quick it could be, so I usually find myself on the fine side more often, but it’s a great tool and doesn’t clog like a surform can.
I’ve used it for the last couple of years (light/diy) use and it seems well made to me.
When you buy one, make a wooden scabbard for it.
The teeth will attack anything in reach!
I've never been able to clog the one I have, a silly simple tool that works very well.

Bought one about 4 years ago for circa £15 in the UK. Rarely used but when I do, it always impresses. Great concept! Never clogged it up and it lives with other things in my cutting drawer. Like the idea of a scabbard!

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