Shed sessions

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Judging y the look of that bowl it's a pity masur birch doesn't gopw around here so I'm not likely to turn any :cry: Lovely looking bowl.

Not everything with pith splits Paul ior I'd have a much bigger pile of wood form the burner. :lol:

Two lovely bowls Rich.

The grain in the Masur burr is particularly striking, what size is the bowl & what finish have you used?

Well done on the commission as well.
Finished the commision bowl


It is 7" ish and I used oil Doug, cheers mate :D

Started a shallow elm bowl after, which you can just see on the left of the pic.

I have been on ebay again :roll: :roll: setting out on a recon project, pictures to follow on saturday.
Yes paul it is the m birch / it is easy to turn and smells nice.

Cracked on with the elm this evening / half way there


Thanks Doug for the tip about the diamond stones, these are great (axminster)
It saves spraying my chisels around the workshop

That's a great looking piece of Elm you've got there Rich.The bowl is looking good so far as well.

Not really my tip, just something Mark Baker had said, though I'm glad it's working for you.
The Elm shouts out again Rich, another fitting tribute to the acquirer of the tree in the first place.
Thanks Chas, he is a lovely guy and has taught me loads over the years.

This was his workshop before he had to sell up :( :(
That is the graduate that I wasnt tall enough to use a few years ago, also the reason why I love them so much :D :D

He owned an estate and several holiday cottages. The shop was mainly turning but genral wood work and repair work did feature.
I will never forget the smell / cedar / elm / pipe smoke :D :D

I love that elm, I have turned two small elm blanks and liked the timber, that piece makes me want a bigger bit.
thanks guys :)

Another happy session in the shed :D :D

Finished this one


and cracked on with a ash bowl, finished tomorrow I hope.

If you look closely wizer you might find your lamp blank :wink:
I do like your style Rich. I don't think you've turned a bad'n yet ;)

Which picture are you referring to? If it's this latest one then I don't see the blank? I must get round to turning that. So many things I want to turn so little time and no lathe......yet ;)
johnny.t.":220q366r said:
Another really good piece Rich, I wish I could find some Elm,its really nice looking stuff.

JT<---- Jealous of Elm :roll:

Keep ypur eyes open for old sunday school chairs. The seats were elm and make lovely platters. This one is 11" and made from an old seat

I like the heavy bowls and have to echothe sentiments of the others, you are turning out some lovely things.

No turning this evening / missis out for a works meal / had loads of fun with my lad though, messing about :D :D :D

Been thinking about the cock ups I mentioned yesterday, thought I would post the ones I havnt burnt.


Nothing worng with a mistake as lnog as you know why it happened

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