Thanks for all you nice comments guys, I am pleased with how things are turning at the moment.
Fingerless / Cheers mate, that site looks good as well, I see what you mean.
The thing that troubled me with that bowl was 1st the wallthickness wasn't totally even when you pinched your fingers on the side / 2nd where the bottom met the curve of the wall, again it didn't feel right.
Still I gave it to a friend as a wedding present and he was happy and it is good practise for me.
Wizer / I have been very lucky over the years building a good stash of timber. My Elm comes from a friend in North Wales, he felled and processed it all himself when I was a kid, it has been air drying ever since. I am a total timber hoarder, a trait that my dad passed on to me. My mum tells the tale that when I was young before my dad had a garage to store his timber in there was wood in every room in the house, somewhere.
For big burrs you need to speak to farmers / tree surgeons / the more rough and ready timber yards. I used to go to one in shropshire which did good deals for cash and he often gave you change as his own streaky bacon.
Another happy session
Ash, should have been a lot bigger but had some splits
Elm, really nice green streaks
Elm burr. Not sure about this yet.