Sharpening Station

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Established Member
2 Jul 2005
Reaction score
Nailsworth, Glos
Further to the very helpful replies I received here (thanks to you all) I have set up a sharpening station to give my new LN's some TLC.

To practice I thought I would give my old 'builders' Stanleys a treat and sort them out.

I started on the backs first. 320 grit was the first paper (should I have started at 240 - it took ages!) and then went to 4/6/8/12 '00 followed by some 5 micron paper.

The bevels I ground on my Jet wet wheel to 30 deg and then finished from the 600 onwards at 35 deg for a 2nd bevel.

What a difference - sharp tools are great.

Provided I have not done something really silly the LN's are next for a minor touch up - backs from 400 I think and a small 2nd bevel only.

I now know what's missing from my sharpening setup, a nice glass of wine to make the whole process even more pleasurable.

Not sure if SWMBO would agree however, I seem to injure myself enough when sober.


Some of the advice I was given emphasized the importance of ensuring lubrication was to used when sharpening, what else could they mean........

Seriously, I tend not to have a glass on the go when turning at the lathe or using the table saw but a couple of hours spent with a decent CD, in the workshop with SWMBO out on a 'girls night' was really very relaxing and what is it all about!
Looking good Simon. Very organised.

I wish I could go out in the workshop at night. Feels odd to me. I guess mainly because by that time I am flagging and need to be in the H position. I was out there at 6pm this afternoon and it felt like the middle of the night! :roll: :wink:
wizer":31mltls0 said:
Looking good Simon. Very organised.

I wish I could go out in the workshop at night. Feels odd to me. I guess mainly because by that time I am flagging and need to be in the H position. I was out there at 6pm this afternoon and it felt like the middle of the night! :roll: :wink:

Unfortunately I do not get home from work until 6pm. Once the kids are put to bed and we eat dinner and clear up the earliest I can ever get out to the workshop is 8pm ;(

I will confess to a zero alcohol in the workshop. Even just sharpening I have been known to slip and draw blood. Although my first reaction is to make sure I do not bleed on the sharpening stones or any wood, then I check to see how bad it is ;)
Same procedure for me normally. I get in at 5:15pm and normally it's straight into dinner bath bed etc. But last night missus and baby were out somewhere or other so I rushed into the workshop for a play ;)
SVB":1e8jij64 said:
I tend not to have a glass on the go when turning at the lathe

The big problem here of course, is that the vino glass is going to get get filled up with shavings quite smartly and you'd be forever spitting out bits of timber...if it was oak though the tannin might give it a little extra bite :lol: - Rob