Shabby wardrobes

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Well I have had a full day of spraying today and with the workshop full to the brim with pieces scattered around I managed to get them all in the top coat.

After spraying the fronts of the doors when they were touch dry I moved one of them onto my saw bench out of the way so I could spray something else......yes you can guess what happened next........CRASH! it fell off the bench onto the floor! :shock: No pics of the damage but I did manage to salvage it. Luckily it fell on its edge and did very little damage apart from opening one of the joints slightly and a dent in the edge. I put it aside and repaired it after I had finished spraying all the other pieces.
Anyway I didn't have any more accidents after that and got on well. By the end of the day or should I say early evening I had got two pieces looking 'Shabby'


I wasn't quite sure just how shabby to make them but think maybe that is enough. Tomorrow I shall get some more of the pieces scuffed through and see how it looks. :D
I had a good day on the wardrobes today and got everything assembled so I could measure the back panels up for cutting and cut the rails to length. I couldn't resist fitting eveything apart from the door handles to see how it looked. I wasn't sure just how much to scuff up the doors so thought I would just do a little at first and have a look at some examples of Shabby Chick stuff to get some ideas.




Having a rest tomorrow to clean out the old car to put it up for sale so will return to the job on Monday. :D
Today I got the rails cut to length and fitted into the robes. I also finished the rear panels and made the cornice up ready for staining and finish. Not a bad days work really. :D


I have sent the customer some photos and some pics of the handles to see if she wants them painting. If all goes well I should be fitting them in a weeks time. :D
I got the wardrobes fitted today but will have to modify the cornice on the angled side. After scribing the angled side it was too narrow for the cornice Due to a curve in the ceiling so I will have to make another section to run down that side. No real problem and the customer was happy about this. Anyway here are the shots of it fitted in place.



Next job is to start work on the wardrobes for the other side. :roll:
That's another one I didn't quite get in the workshop, but again looks super on site.
Thanks Chems. Actually I got a voicemail from the customer today (I missed the call) "I just got home and had a look at the wardrobes.....WOW! I can't wait to see the rest" That is a pleasing reply and made all the effort worth while. I know she will pass my name around now. Result! :D
I'm pleased the customer likes them as they really aren't my taste, not sure I could even bring myself to make something like that (admittedly, I don't do it for a living).

Well Aiden, as we all know the customer is always right :roll: I will make almost anything if the money is there. It all pays the bills in the end whatever I make. :wink: