Thank you - yes, I have plans to make wooden versions of many of the games I love - I am quite a keen player of board games, and to use beautiful wooden versions should simply enhance that enjoyment... it started when my parents commissioned a chess table for me for my 21st (see below) which is 2 foot square in oak with walnut and sycamore inlaid squares - I designed it and have loved playing with it over the last xx

years... while Ticket to Ride was suggested above, I might continue more along the lines of games where the pieces are relatively simple! Having said that, I have thought about making a version of these pieces but then melting gold into the engraved icons

for the more luxurious approach!
Settlers replacement pieces are already sold on Etsy, I think they get away with it as they are replacement components, no-one is selling a full replacement, so you still need a copy of settlers for the cards / houses / cities / etc. Having said that, it is not a sensible commercial prospect unless you start to use more mass-production with CNC etc. to reduce the human time input - if I include my time then the cost of making these pieces is already in the hundreds of pounds (I am fortunate to charge out my time in my business at quite a high rate!) so I won't be doing any more than producing myself lovely sets and maybe a few as presents for family members...
Poker chips - laser would work well, but I think probably this is where CNC would work well as you could pop in a largish piece of wood and havit engrave and cut out the chips - a quick sand of sharp edges and you are good to go - you could then tumble soak them all together to apply the finish...
chess table made for me - sat in the library...