Scariest units are the 3ft dia carcass cutters …..think of it as a rotary cleaver - slices clean through a side of pig including bones to divide them into shoulders/ middles & legs
I thought for one awful second you said pigs instead of plugs, all this talk of carcasses!I'd be tempted to buy the plugs and glue them together in pairs which gives the desired depth
Surprised it took this far into the thread before being mentioned… cutting round stock with a bandsaw will soon check your sphincter pucker out if you don’t have a very firm grip on it and there are some quite impressive videos proving it by folks in utube land.Ps do not use a bandsaw there dangerous for circular things.
i tend not to glue pigs together, as the glue up is very messyI thought for one awful second you said pigs instead of plugs, all this talk of carcasses!
If your (future) bandsaw is well tuned you could do worse than make a vee block to carry the dowel. This could have a piece glued on to run in the mitre slot. Maybe not as fast as the multi dowel jigs described above but works with a wide range of sizes and requires less adjustment time
This seems pretty sensible to me. although I'd just do one at a time. I'd make a block with the dowel hole through it then cut a line through just past the hole with enough room for the dowel to be pushed across after the blade (but leaving a section behind to keep the 2 pieces together) leaving the exact width of counter required on the left.If you were to have a jig with holes running though it for the dowels to sit in, bandsaw cuts already in it. Then you need a pile of flat bits of 3/4” bits of wood against the fence, push the jig forwards to cut the first row of counters, pull one of the flat bits away which then lines the jig up ready for the next cut etc etc, the fact that the dowels are contained should prevent a lot of splintering.
Hell its almost machine gun time!
Or get a microtome - down to 2umThe commercial units have a cutter head with two ultra sharp curved blades ….come with their own honing machine and a blade set is over £4k !!
Bacon or cooked meat is sliced after cooling down to less than -4 Deg C, and sliced to 1/100th of a mm !!!