@Blackswanwood If we play the offended card, nobody would ever be able to say anything. Someone will always be offended by anything said. So, for instance, I wasn’t in the slightest offended by
@Spectric comments, they seemed perfectly rational. There are a small number of medical conditions that cause obesity that the person has little control over, these affect a tiny number of people. The majority it’s a lifestyle choice. If we consider the downsides of obesity including the medical impact that places them at a higher risks for a significant number of conditions we probably as a society should view it as morally acceptable as smoking or drug abuse. Today, we think nothing of smoke-shaming and indeed have laws restricting where you can indulge. We equally have laws concerning the use of recreational drugs all of which is driven by the harm it can do. For some reason, it seems acceptable and in fact intolerable to fat-shame. When we divorce moral responsibility from actions we are on a slippery slope. In fact I would suggest condoning being obese is in fact a form of abuse. There are a number of conditions that the NHS will not perform elective surgery for if you are mortally obese.