Saw files

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Alf":1cfpw1ib said:
Hmm... I see three-square files in regular, narrow and extra narrow but nothing extra extra narrow... :-k I'm assuming that by three square in this case they do actually mean saw files, but maybe I assume too much?

Perplexed, Alf
Dunno what they are selling, but the three-square files come to a tighter corner/edge than saw files. fwiw, I typically use a 6" EN [vintage/NOS] 3 square Grobets for even 16 ppi. Hate having too many files laying about. For greater than 16 PPI, I use a 4" EN.

Makes for larger teeth due to creating smaller gullets. I forget which cut mine are, but they are pretty smooth. On saws with fewer than 10 ppi I use a narrow, newer 3-square which creates a larger radii in the gullet for strength.

I do also have some vintage NOS saw files of various brands. The edge radius is about the same as a new 3-square. But new files, of which I occassionaly get, I drop the length and go to the narrowest I can to approximate the edge of the older files. Just don't make 'em like they use to...

Take care, Mike
Alf":1n9o8l4i said:
I'm assuming that by three square in this case they do actually mean saw files,

Quite probably not but I haven't a clue! :lol: I'll have a go with the codes BB gave though cos it's all getting a bit confusing! :roll: :D
Nicholsons are just fine if significantly cheaper and one is not sharpening a lot of saws. The Bahco are pretty darn good files.

With either, use one size and or length less than recommended for a particular PPI to get better shaped gullets.

Take care, Mike
Well I know three square files and saw files are different, but do they? That's what I was thinking. Specifically because a) I don't see anything described as a saw file and b) Are there such things as tapering three square files of different "narrowness"? But it still doesn't sort out the glaring ommission, and the thing that's causing the trouble - no double extra slim. Everyone and their Aunt Lillian seems capable of stocking regular, slim and extra slim - even, as Mike's link demonstrates, Toolbank.

Anyway, what I should have said days ago, Mike's (other Mike. No, not that one, the other other one. :roll: ) sending me a replacement for the broken one, so he's not chucked in the whole thing in despair yet...

Cheers, Alf

I sharpen my tenon saws with 3 square needle files, am I doing it wrong? The file is larger than the teeth.

peter, you sharpen =D>
and obviously the saws cut.
so how are you doing it wrong :?

i guess the answer is that everyone else is trying to be super
good at cutting, whilst maybe you just want to use your saws. :twisted: :lol:

as a long term idea, if it was what you were taught, or it works for you,
why change, unless someone can prove by making your edges better,
then stick with it.

Scott":3djczy38 said:
Thanks BB. I've been looking at the "Catalogue limes de précision" in this catalogue but I should have enough info now to cross ref and see what's available.
I also had a BIG wander round that site. No saw files :(

I'm at sea at the moment though so it'll need to wait a few weeks I'm afraid

Some of my saws are over 50 years old. A few weeks will make little difference :)

Hi, Engineer One

No one taught me I just looked at the tooth shape and filled it the same way. I started doing them years ago before I knew much about tools and sharpening, it seemed easer to do in those days now I have lots of things to worry about rake, fleam etc :wink:

Hi Pete,

Well I notice Tom Law does similarly on his video, but on the other hand BB found this. But then in the message before that, Mike seems to use them okay. I dunno, not sure I'm clever enough... ](*,)

Anyway I went for a trawl through the archives, a long way back, 'cos I had a feeling I was starting to lose sight of what I was trying to achieve. Viz: A UK stockist of double extra slim saw files. So I think we stand thusly:

Cooper Industries (suggested by Andy King) do Nicholson (4" & 6", no 5") but don't deal direct and suggested I try Toolbank.

Bahco said Toolbank or a contact number (mobile) with no address. Yuck on the latter. High prices quoted by trying Toolbank direct, plus postage and unspecified waiting time. Decided to try by-passing that and using the Toolbank system, so:

Matt, working at my "local" Toolbank stockist a few hundred miles away :wink: helpfully did his best to winkle either Nicholsons or Bahco from the Vast Machine but after many weeks of waiting and nothing happening we both gave up. :( Decided Toolbank supplying them was one of those "in theory" things that never actually materialise.

BB met a chap at the Murland auction tail-gating who does saws in a Big Way and says he orders direct from Switzerland - evidentally he didn't relish the challenge of trying to get a UK stockist to have a regular supply...

Vallorbe don't seem to have any on their site at all, and yet Grobet and Vallorbe are s'posed to be one and the same these days, aren't they? I think I failed to find a Grobet site when I tried, but it's all starting to run together now...

Mike Hancock eventually got some (hallelujah!) which are supposed to have come from LN (Grobet) but the 4" xx slims, that I have at least, are Nicholsons!?! I'm assuming that's 'cos the small Grobets were over-looked when the LN order was sent and that in the fullness of time the superior Grobets will be available? But surely he could get them direct instead of via LN and (I would guess) extra expense?

I think that's pretty much where we are. Classic Hand Tools are the only one's to actually try stocking them at all, and as a UK stockist was the Holy Grail of my quest, I could in theory down tools and consider it Job Done. Why is it I'm not feeling 100% confident then? :?

Cheers, Alf
That's interesting. Retail or wholesale d'you think? Not come across them before - although evidentally I would have if I'd been looking for a machete... :shock:

Cheers, Alf
I've asked them if they can sell or source 4" and/or 5" xx slim saw files in small quantities.
Nick W":37w88ihx said:
What is this about a
File-Blunt Saw
? Aren't all files for blunt saws, or is this one intended to get them that way? 8-[
For filing slightly different shaped teeth--i.e. not possible with a tapered saw file.

Disston, Simonds, Nicholson et al use to make them [well, still do by some makers] for the redesigned Acme 120 and for special filings on various makes of saws. George Bishop also had a saw with such teeth. Prior to that, a safe-backed cant file was to be used, but after 1928 Disston changed the tooth design and so this type of file is used. A little different angle to the file than what we know as a saw file, and of course little or no taper to the file.

Take care, Mike
'tis a bit odd right enough! I thought Vallorbe and Grobet were one and the same thing. Anyway, I'll mooch about in Switzerland next time home and see if I can come up with anything