Hmm I've edge joined a fair bit of stuff without a biscuit jointer, but I can see how it would make a worktop easier to assemble, given the lack of access when assembling in situ in tight corners.
I'll have 3 joins to do on the worktops and no doubt lots more edge joining to do in the future so I'm not against investing a little but £200+ for a dewalt/makita biscuit jointer is a tad over my budget.
Perhaps a cheap screwfix jointer with a good returns policy would seem to be a good option? Certainly I got lucky with a £17 angle grinder from there a few weeks ago!
I'll have 3 joins to do on the worktops and no doubt lots more edge joining to do in the future so I'm not against investing a little but £200+ for a dewalt/makita biscuit jointer is a tad over my budget.
Perhaps a cheap screwfix jointer with a good returns policy would seem to be a good option? Certainly I got lucky with a £17 angle grinder from there a few weeks ago!