Rough Noise Tablesaw

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Established Member
5 Oct 2008
Reaction score
Truden, Italy
I have a Scheppach TS2010, and it's been very good for a couple of years, maybe used one hour per week for 2 years.

However now it has started making a really rough ra-ta-ta-ta-ta noise when in use, which is getting louder (and rougher) all the time. (obviously hard to describe a noise in writing, however let's say it used to sound like a happy cat, and now sounds like an angry Russian tank...

i have spent some time vaccuming dust from the motor casing, and various mechanisms, as it does seem to accumulate in all the nooks and crannies, and it's not the easiest to get to, as removing the table means i might never get it back square...

could it be dust, or does it require lubrication, or is it dying?


Do you know whether this machine has a universal brush or induction-style motor? If it's the former, it could simply be that the brushes need replacing (as with portable power tools). If not, are there any drive belts? It might be worth checking their condition...

I'm sure someone else will be along soon with some other ideas. :)
Can you get a look inside while hand rotating the blade? Something must be rubbing. Also, check for a loose pulley--one could be wobbling, and either rubbing or causing the belt to rub on something.

It's unlikely to be the bearings, but when all else fails...

Thanks for speedy replies, was hoping that getting under the hood was going to be last resort, in that i really don't want to have to realign the table - took me about 1year to finally get the sliding table exactly square...

i was rather hoping there would be a "silly dave, everyone knows you need to squirt some 3-in-1 into the hole 'here' every 3 months...." kind of answer :wink:

also not sure about safety of running it with table off, however i'll just have to be careful i guess...
Any chance its a bit slither of wood in the extraction system thats flapping about.

Try taking the blade off and then run it, any change?
Next try taking the belts off then run the machine, any change?
Let us know the outcome?
Don't take the top table off yet!!!
I'll try taking the blade out, good idea, however i think i need to take the top off to get to the belts... I'll have another look bearing all the advice in mind, before asking any more, so that i know what i am talking about!

I don't think you need to, though I've not worked on one of these little saws for a while now.
Does it have a mechanical brake, or a DC type?
If the motor is free to turn with power off, then you can often "spin" the belts off the pulley.
Got to go now off out on a job for a few hours.
Let us know?
so, thanks for all the tips so far... i have checked there's nothing in waste channel, and i notice that the instant i turn off the power, the noise stops, despite the blade still going at same speed for a moment. a bit like pressing the power button on your stereo when megadeth were playing full blast..
wcndave":ihjos1g8 said:
so, thanks for all the tips so far... i have checked there's nothing in waste channel, and i notice that the instant i turn off the power, the noise stops, despite the blade still going at same speed for a moment. a bit like pressing the power button on your stereo when megadeth were playing full blast..

Is it an induction motor
yes the scheppach is an induction motor.

I cannot see anything blocking, however visibility and access is limited unless i take the top off, or perhaps try turning it upside down...
If it's an induction motor then, I wonder whether the fan casing is in contact with the fan on the back of the motor? It is very easy to accidentally nudge then and it makes one heck of a din the first time you switch on! Done it myself, a few times... ;-)
Would this noise not continue when i switch off motor, at least for a few seconds?

I get the noise stops the instant i switch off power, even though everything is still turning (and initially at same speed as when it was on...)
Is it an induction motor :?:

then we can at least rule out the brushes

then if it is an induction motor i have a strong fear its the belt (that if it is belt driven) :wink:
yes induction motor.

if belt, why fear? is that a nasty thing to replace? would have thought it's a lot better than a bust motor...
What did NMA say?

I think there may be a capacitor in the motor that leaves a small amount of current in the starting coil that reduces the noise, this may have failed.

I probably have not explained this too well, there are others on the forum who have forgotten more about motors than I know who should be able to confirm this or tell me I am wrong.
