Roof overhang limits

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Mad Moose

10 Sep 2024
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I have enjoyed many hours reading loads of posts here over the past week. About to start groundworks for my new workshop. First time build of a bespoke structure - my only previous experience is putting up prefabbed sheds 6'x8' / 8'x10'. So my concrete pad should be getting poured next week. The footprint of the workshop will be 4.8m x 4.2m which will be huge in comparison - I am so excited! 🥳

The roof will be single plane pent with 1:40 fall (2.4M at front down to ~2.3m at the back internally). Boarded with T&G 18mm OSB and covered with EPDM. My question relates to how big I can have my overhangs. Planning on using 6x2 timbers at 400mm centres for the rafters so front and back are straight forward enough to create - but not sure about any limits. Thinking specifically about the sides, how wide can I make the laddering on each side. Hoping to get 60cm to allow some protection from rain and to have some storage for timber under the eaves. once I understand the constraints I will know the size of the roof and how much EPDM I need to order.

I can guarantee that there will be lots more questions as I get started. I use the University of YouTube extensively but there is no substitution for the ability to get answers to specific questions from wise and experienced woodworkers.

I plan to document the whole thing and will post on here if anyone is interested. Currently trying to learn to use SketchUp to do the design and get a clue as to how much timber, how many sheets of OSB, insulation etc. I need to be buying and work out just how much is is going to cost - or more realistically working out what the initial budget needs to be. . . ;)
If your using 400mm centres why not make it 400mm overhang seems obvious to a joist on the wall? One bay out each side. Noggins every 1.05m

Just my inexperienced thoughts!

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