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Established Member
12 Jun 2022
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Sorry no photos - it was something I saw used on a shed-construction video I watched a few years ago. The thing looked like several rulers joined together - adjustable angles and possibly able to slide as well, like 2 connected diamonds. They used it to copy/reverse the angles needed for the roof supports and the ends of the posts that held them up. Like a sliding bevel on cocaine...

Can someone name this gadget for me? It looked a useful piece of kit!
Bora Miterix ?
First one maybe, second one no. I think it was more like 2 crosses, or 2 diamonds joined at the ends to there was a cross in the middle. But maybe I'm just imagining extra parts. I don't think it had actual angles marked on it.
Am I going to have to watch hundreds of shed builds until I find the right one?

Both things look very useful anyway!
Possibly more like the yellow one but I'm not sure now. I don't think theirs had such a lot of flexibility. Is there something more like the Magnusson one but where the arms cross?

Sorry to be a pain, it's been sat in the back of my head all this time and decided to surface when I was looking at speed squares!