Robinson ET/E Saw

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Established Member
11 Mar 2022
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I’ve very nearly finished my wonderful ET/E table saw, I brought it last July in pretty rough order, but it was mostly complete and the price was way to good to pass up.

I didn’t give it any thought at the time so I don’t have any photos of it when I got it. It resembled an old horse shoe, and hadn’t been used for years.
Mechanically sound, if a little stiff in places, all I have done is simply take it all apart, and put it back together with a lick of paint along the way. Nothing fancy, and I tend not to paint my machines but this one really was looking sorry for itself.


18” saw, 7.5 HP direct drive motor, it makes easy work of it. Buttery smooth start up and friction brake assisted slowing of the saw make it a pleasure to use.
This saw has the crown guard all intact (I just need to fit the exhaust port for the extraction to finish it up) it has the rip fence attachment for straight rip cuts (avoids pinching up between fence and saw) the swivel fence for crown cuts which is a really good feature that I’ll show just a bit further down, and I have the quadrants with the beautiful bronze stops, just a superb bit of engineering. It also has the interchangeable bump and dead stop for the sliding table.


Just push the black wheel in to engage two notches that pick up the shaft that’s connected to the up/down rails. Release when the desired position is met and you’re on your way.


Interchangeable rebound or dead stop for the sliding table, it’s a very sure footed system, if you show a little sympathy in your machining this will never move when cutting up to it.


Bronze cages with hardened steel rollers make the table slide, it’s effortless and there is next to no lateral movement, the castings allows for dust to drop through with little problem. A very light rub with an oily rag once In a blue moon is all this will need. Removing the top was fairly straight forward, just 4 bolts attach it to the main casting, but it is immensely heavy and I was careful not to do anything silly and take my time.
Access is greatly improved to the motor with the top off, all I did was give it a lick over, lightly oiled the ways and removed the spindle to clean and re-grease the bearings. I also cleaned and greased the gearbox for the blade tilt, it’s a huge bevel gear in its own box well away from the really dusty parts of the machine.


The sliding table section pulls away from the main bed to allow easy access for changing the saw and to allow clearance for trenching heads and dados, I’ll post up on that in a later part of the thread.


These stops are bronze and are just lovely, I have two of them for both fences, there is negligible lateral movement (more than accurate enough for my woodwork) and they simply slide along the bar and a thumbscrew secures them solid.



The above two photos show two fence features. The first is it set at 45, and it’ll obviously go through to 90 and locked anywhere in between. The second photo is a rather neat feature where you angle the fence and perform a crown cut, either two relieve the back of a piece of stock so it can follow an outside radius, or to cut a coving small or large.
I have used it to perform both and it’s immense. Machining like this can turn the heat up so experience and confidence is important when performing work like this.


I use flat fire rope to seal all my electrical boxes to avoid ingress of dust, cheap and works a treat Very easy to apply. The large hand wheel on the left is for the rise and fall and the smaller wheel on the right is the tilt! It’ll go over to 45.


I’ll do a second parter for this if there’s any interest, chuck in a couple of videos showing some crown cuts and the trenching head etc: I need to find the mitre gauge too I’ve misplaced it with my spares. A great bit of old English iron that can do it all and it’ll go on forever and a day I’m sure.
Thanks for the interest, I shall get a bit more up of the saw towards the end of the week. I am doing an old over/under very soon, a complete overhaul so I’ll probably document that on here for the machine enthusiasts.
Also at my work is a truly unique Wadkin CC ‘hole in the wall’ saw that’s been adapted for a specific machining process, it’s a decent bit of engineering so I’ll post that up on here too.

Beautiful - the ET/E has to be pretty much the ultimate of its genre. Top of the list if I had a bigger workshop!
Wow. Surprised at the interest on here thanks to all for taking a look and the positive feedback. I am only interested in old machines, it’s all I’ve ever used since I started my apprenticeship some 15 years ago now, it’s good to hear I’m not alone in the appreciation for them.
I won’t get a chance to post up on it again this week as I’m out on site, but will get some action shots going next week fingers crossed.
I’ll get that Wadkin CC up on here too, as that’s interesting.
And I will also better document my 26” FM over/under that I am about to start, that’s one for down the line though.
Thanks again.

Great looking job on the machine, but you might want to turn some attention to that awkward looking crown guard.
Infact you'd be better off with a regular one, and I suppose I could take it off your hands if it's just gathering dust.

Thanks for posting.

Great looking job on the machine, but you might want to turn some attention to that awkward looking crown guard.
Infact you'd be better off with a regular one, and I suppose I could take it off your hands if it's just gathering dust.

Thanks for posting.

Thankyou it’s not quite finished yet but nearly there. The crown guard is superb in both looks and function for myself, the big advantage in this set up is I can remove the riving knife and still run the crown with the guard in place. Very handy.
That’s for the interest
I got a few shots of the Wadkin CC at work, I’m hoping I can upload a video that’s longer than 30 seconds so I can actually better explain what it’s for and how it works as trying to do it in photo form with a description will be tedious and very likely confusing for you.
Anyway I took a few snaps of it generally to give you an idea of how immensely well built these saws are.


The plaques say it all, built in a time of the likes we shall never see again.


So here’s the thing in its resting position. In its simplest form it’s a rolling table built around the saw. The table moves along to a set position and the saw comes out and in all automatically. This was built by a local engineer in the mid 1980’s specifically for the company and it does one job.


Backside of the machine


1980’s state of the art control panel.
I shall create a video of how this machine works and exactly what it does (it’s not exciting) and find a way of being able to display or link it on here. If I had a penny for every time this has been in and out……..
It’s in constant use and has been for over 40 years with no issues at the saw whatsoever! It’s runs a stack of six 350mm cross cut blades 25mm thick.

As a tag on here’s my next project for my workshop…..


The Wadkin FM24.


Going to be a full strip down and rebuild so I’ll post up when I do a bit as and when.



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First of all, congratulations are in order. So, congratulations! I love the work and the way you're treating the machines.

Now about this....
I didn’t give it any thought at the time so I don’t have any photos of it when I got it.
Funny fact: I'm in Romania, which is maybe one of the last places where you would think of finding genuine vintage Robinsons and Wadkins.

So let me add some pictures of the state in which you probably found the Robinson, if not worse. Not sure whether this is an ET/E or ET/T though.


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Just as a side note, this is the way Romanian "woodworkers" use and abuse their machinery. Get their paws on some very good quality, solid machines, use them until they break without any intervention, oiling, etc if possible, replace a motor if it breaks, replace a fuse. Then keep them in open air work spaces, humidity, ignore the rust and let it build everywhere. And then an utter disregard for personal safety.

Sorry for shortly hijacking the post, the father of a close friend of mine has severe health issues and my friend asked me to help him sell the machines. Went there to take photos and beneath piles of sawdust and rust I couldn't believe my eyes upon discovering beauties such of the Robinson or the Wadkin here, and others. I would take them home if I could but my property can't support machinery of this weight, plus no way to get them inside. I'm crying on the inside.

By the way, do you have any idea of the Robinson's age?


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The English machines of this era have an appeal worldwide due to their cost, simplicity and dependability.
Unfortunately, as can be seen in your photos, the lack of any guarding and riving knives are a typical sight in some overseas locations (I know it happens anywhere, I have seen firsthand)
as is well documented, machines are dangerous, tablesaws are dangerous but when you get to this level of saw, 7.5hp on the arbour, it will properly sling some material at you!
The Robinson saw in question is not an ET/E, although the fence is identical to mine including the ability to angle it. It has a curious sliding table that extends beyond the machine? Not familiar, but I would put it in the 1960’s somewhere. There will be people who will know exactly what model it is I’m sure.
Very interesting, thanks for posting.


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