When you are cycling, If you rely on rules of the highway code to keep you safe, you'll get into trouble. Any cyclist is responsible for looking after themselves on the road. You have to obey the rules of the road, be respectful and thoughtful towards other good road users. You have to assume, every car is driven by someone who is blind. Every car is going to pull out in front of you. Every car door you pass is suddenly going to open. Every pedestrian or dog is going to do something totally unexpected at the very last moment. Whilst watching for that, you have to look out for 5" deep potholes and observe the rules of the road. I constantly change my riding position on the road to suit traffic and roads. I am very aware holding up car drivers and try to assist them to get past. Sometimes it's safe for them to pass close at low speed, when there are cars coming in the opposite direction, but it's under my control. Most car drivers are very appreciative and give thanks. You still get the idiots that fly past, too fast and too close, even when the other carriageway is clear. Changes to the highway code will make no difference to bad drivers, or bad cyclists.
I cycle quite a lot, typically 140 to 170 miles a week, but tend to keep off roads especially at commute times when people are in such a hurry. I can never understand why some drivers just have to get past a cyclist. how much time are they saving??
I do wear lycra (dark coloured) because it lowers wind resistance and it's warm. On some short Stravas I'm hitting 30+mph and I hate flapping clothing. I would estimate that 75% of women I pass whilst cycling have a quick swatch at my lunch pack. Some try to do it discretely, the head stays still, but the eyes move

. Makes my laugh every time.