Record Power lathe bar swap anyone?? My longuns for your shortuns

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16 Jan 2010
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Hello all,

I have a Record Power CL3 with an adjustable base. It has the long bars - I think these create 36" between centres.

Realistically I never use the full length as I prefer to turn bowls and smaller items and to be honest it just takes up too much room.

I spoke to Record and they no longer make the bars - but that the family of lathes use the same diameter bars. Rather than buy a whole second hand machine just for shorter bars, and definitely to avoid the temptation to just cut my long bars down (that seems a tragedy) - I wondered if anyone has the same sort of bars but a shorter set that would still work on the adjustable base unit.

It's in storage at the moment but there is a listing on ebay that looks to be the same model and length as mine - here

I stress that's not my lathe nor my listing - just posting as it is a good photo.

The lathe bars are in storage near Northampton, just 15mins from junction 18 of the M1. Or, I live in Oxford. or just let me know where you are and you never know I may drive near you.

Thanks Tim