Ok so I made a lot of progress on this weekend....
so the wood after 2 weeks seasoning in the sun room :
the set-up for working the wood :
all the pieces planed and thicknessed on two sides to give me two reference edges, then thicknessed the lot down to the smallest pieces thickness
then left with one reference edge of varying sizes :
all done :
my heath robinson biscuiting set-up
biscuits done, big learning point here was that my £30 wickes biscuit jointer is rubbish (very inconsistent and the adjusting screw doesn't adjust !) so a new one is required, recommendations appreciated, it took me 2 hours to do about 40 biscuits, not good :
glueing up the sides first
Then AAAAGH, I had made sure that both sides had the nice wood facing out, but I'd made them identical ! So the best face of one of the sides would have been pointing inward, how come Norm never does that ?!

So I quickly had to pull an end piece off, re-biscuit it onto the other side, then make some oak biscuits to fit in the holes were left.
started fixing them
then the top
so glued up the unit for the first time. Big learning point here was that I didn't have anything to keep things at 90 degrees whilst clamping, so I am going to be on to Axminster in the next couple of days to order up so things to do just that. Spent so much time trying to get the clamps to hold everything square that it took ages
Have to admit here that after the clamping of one side it was splayed out by about 2 degrees, so when i did the other side I matched it, you can't see from looking at it though
second thing to admit which i couldn't fix, when doing the glue-up I was so concerned over getting the legs at 90 degrees to the top I didn't concentrate on whether the side of the sides (if you see what i mean) were parallel, this could have been simply done by glueing it up on its side and ensuring both legs were on the ground, so a learning point there (only about 5mm difference which you wouldn't hknow unless you look for it).
then used Ollys suggestion of routing off the excess :
after the routing
my new screwdriver stand that i knocked up to clear the table (it works a treat, saves space and keep my most used bits on hand)
so next jobs are to sand the inside paces, then varnish and finished.
In the meantime my plan is to head down to interesting timber in the next week to get the timber to make a matching unit. On the second one I think construction time will take about half the time because I know what I am doing now, plus everything
should be square !