Problem with Bosch Scintilla jigsaw

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Established Member
5 Aug 2012
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Hi all, I'm looking for some help regarding a fairly old Bosch scintilla jigsaw. I just can't figure out how to remove the blade. The saw has a black plastic knob (handle) directly above the blade which can be removed, but just seems to be a, well, handle. Beneath that is an Allen key type socket which again does not seem to do anything. I am totally bemused. The saw came in a metal case with plastic insert, and there is also a space in the plastic for another tool, looks like a screwdriver would fit there, although it might be for some sort of special blade removal tool.

So, does anyone have this tool and could enlighten me please?
I also have a Perles die grinder which is puzzling me, and which will be on another post.

Is there a hole on top.
My Bosch scintilla jigsaw from 1980's GST66 PBE or some such, has a very long (6 or 8") shaft straight blade screwdriver. Goes in a 5mm dia hole in top of the handle right down into the reciprocating shaft of the jigsaw and just unscrews a few turns. The blade can then be pushed up and turned 90 degrees to unlock.
Reverse to install.
Don't butcher the screw. Just nip it up gently. They'll last forever with care.
Any long screwdriver with about a 4x0.8mm straight blade will do. Not one of those old style that flare out sideways between the flat and round sections.
Where I did my apprenticeship we had an old Bosch jigsaw. We didn't have a screwdriver for it so whenever you needed to change the blade you had to grind the end of a 5" nail to a slotted screwdriver type shape and use a pair of pliers to turn it :rolleyes:

That jigsaw was also awful for "crabbing", you had to run it at probably a 5 degree angle to get a straight cut.