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From those of us that 'salvage' their wood I thought I would make a few posts on how I turn a tree trunk into a bowl. Although not technically difficult there are a few things you need to bear in mind. First of all there is no set way of doing this, so this is just my way. Besides being cheaper/free to 'salvage' your wood, the whole process can be enormously satisfying.

So this first post is simply about preparing that tree-trunk for the lathe. Yesterday I acquired a 2 foot piece of Alder that had come down in Storm Darrigh. The trunk was covered in Ivy, which happens a lot to the trees where I live. Alder is great to turn, but rots and Spalt's quite quickly. I retrieved the trunk section using my wheel barrow. The first thing to say about handling a trunk of this size (50-60Kg) is to be careful, Hernia's can be very painful, and I should know. You will also need a chainsaw, of some kind. If you've never used a chainsaw and lack confidence in using the tool, then seek help and assistance from somebody who knows what they are doing. Chainsaws, can be very unforgiving and it won't just be your little 'pinky' that you lose!

One of the first tasks after examining the trunk is to check either end for rot/inclusions/existing cracks.. Basically, you are aiming to cut the trunk length-ways through the centre of the Pith. Some people advocate removing a thin slab of the pith, due to the likelihood of radial cracks developing. I cut through the pith, knowing that I can turn the Pith out, once the piece is on the lathe. So as in the two photos above we will get two semi-circle slabs of wood. But before we make that first cut we need to check either end for cracks. On my piece of Alder I could see two incipient cracks, roughly traveling in the same direction. So I used a steel rule and sharpie to mark a line through the trunk linking both with a line 'scored' over the bark. This line would mark the direction of the Chainsaw cut. Ensuring, that the line through pith on either is placed in the vertical position, cut through the trunk, alternating at either ends trying to stay as close as possible to your vertical end line markers. Hopefully, you will end up with two semi-circular slabs, unlike me (see photo) .

The "Big Reveal" will indicate the condition of the wood. In my piece of Alder you can see a significant inclusion that can be easily avoided. My intention is to get a single simple bowl from either piece, but of course you could make smaller bowls if you wanted to. After marking out the bowl circumference, it's important to trim the piece as close as possible to the circumference line, in preparation to mount the piece on the lathe.

Which I will cover next...
This is very timely, thanks for posting. We have a patch of woodland on the farm which is overstood hazel coppice with oak and mostly ash. Sadly the ash is succumbing to die back so each winter I’m felling more of it. In the past it became firewood as we heated just with logs for 8 years until we had a heat pump and central heating installed. Now the fires are just for the enjoyment of them.

This year, having just started turning, I’m looking at them in a new light and starting to figure out how to process them for turning blanks and also some planks with the mini mill I’ve picked up for one of the chainsaws.

I’m sure I’ll be asking plenty of questions in the coming months along with building some sort of kiln so I don’t have to wait a couple of years to play with them.
Wow this thread really does slow down when I can't get out to the makerspace every day 😅
Well you'll all be pleased (hopefully 🤪) to know I've spent all afternoon at the lathe, we've had an invite to a friends birthday on Friday so obviously I had to make a gift 😅
Birch and Hawthorn display, after the photos I added a keyslot plate so it can be hung on a wall.
Wow this thread really does slow down when I can't get out to the makerspace every day 😅
Well you'll all be pleased (hopefully 🤪) to know I've spent all afternoon at the lathe, we've had an invite to a friends birthday on Friday so obviously I had to make a gift 😅
Birch and Hawthorn display, after the photos I added a keyslot plate so it can be hung on a wall.
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Wow beautifully executed more than happy if you want to come to my bithday😂😉 hopefully will be getting my last Reeves pully
These are a couple of matching(well not quite!) squat vases i turned from some Alder that had come down in Storm 'I can't remember' about 5 years ago. The wood was very very punky and no amount of razor-shape tools or sanding would remove the tear-out. So to stabilise the piece and infill any small voids I applied a bit of Ronseal wood filler that I had coloured with an acrylic dark brown. The good thing about Alder is it rots quite quickly, once its down to give some excellent spalting.


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    vase alder 001.jpg
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These are a couple of matching(well not quite!) squat vases i turned from some Alder that had come down in Storm 'I can't remember' about 5 years ago. The wood was very very punky and no amount of razor-shape tools or sanding would remove the tear-out. So to stabilise the piece and infill any small voids I applied a bit of Ronseal wood filler that I had coloured with an acrylic dark brown. The good thing about Alder is it rots quite quickly, once its down to give some excellent spalting.
Gorgeous 😍 CA is really good for hardening punky wood like that, you can almost "colour between the lines" to hide the staining in most cases too
What a morning, I stacked some dugless fur and saplie to make lanterns I started with five
I dug the spur drive into one so scrap one
Four left, turned to cylinders, bour out the hole for the t light
Started to shape…BANG. The hard wood shattered on two
Down to two
So at the end of the morning I had two finished
The shattered remains of two bases
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What a morning, I stacked some dugless fur and saplie to make lanterns I started with five
I dug the spur drive into one so scrap one
Four left, turned to cylinders, bour out the hole for the t light
Started to shape…BANG. The hard wood shattered on two
Down to two
So at the end of the morning I had two finished
The shattered remains of two bases
View attachment 198450View attachment 198451
What a shame, the Douglas fir grain looks really pretty.
Hi Katomi, that is some failure, given the thickness of the lantern wall. Am I right in thinking you were boring two large holes through the lantern at 90 deg to each other? If so, I could possibly see why the failure could have occurred. It seems that you were boring across two different wood planes, each with may have different strengths and resistance to being drilled, which induced high side torque causing the failure. Maybe drill smaller holes?
Hi Stig, CA glue is my chosen 'stiffener' for punky wood, but is expensive. I'm going to give the Ronseal Wet Rot wood hardener a whirl, i'll let you know how I get on.
These are a couple of matching(well not quite!) squat vases i turned from some Alder that had come down in Storm 'I can't remember' about 5 years ago. The wood was very very punky and no amount of razor-shape tools or sanding would remove the tear-out. So to stabilise the piece and infill any small voids I applied a bit of Ronseal wood filler that I had coloured with an acrylic dark brown. The good thing about Alder is it rots quite quickly, once its down to give some excellent spalting.
Your patience paid of handsome. Gorgeous pair there.
Owd hiya
The failure is just what I was afraid of and the reason it took me so long to try.
I have two medical condition that effect the fine control movement in my hands
I was turning those on a spigot or jam chuck so that in the event I cut to deep the piece I was turning would stop
Instead of having chunks flying everywhere pos the jam church swelled and was tighter than before
But there you go I have not made a funnel out of a bowl….. yet
One happy bunny now.
After re arranging my workshop building new shelves to sort out ease of accessibility and accommodating a new dust collection system. Waiting for what seemed to be foreverfor spare parts for lathe I'm finally back up and running again. So today just to get back into the swing popped out theses t light holders.20250301_190941.jpg20250301_190914.jpgbig shout out to Benton Tool for posting a pic of his lathe with his tool rack holder clamped to the end. I was able to re-use my first tool holder I made, to do the same. Works a real treat thank you.

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