With everything done ready for the air show on Saturday I made a start on a retirement gift for a colleague who has been at the school for almost 30 years, I was asked by some of the staff if I could make something for her as she loves my stuff, I know she absolutely loves the works of Mouseman who included a carved mouse on all his work, so I'm going to put my own spin on it, I can't carve for toffee so I've ordered a fat little carved mouse from Amazon,

It took me a while (and a huge pile of shavings and discarded attempts) to come up with an idea I was happy with, all I knew at first was that I wanted to incorporate light so started with a piece of Western red cedar as it holds it shape really well and once you get it down to around 2mm or thinner it really glows, once I had it done I picked out a piece of Mountain Ash and put it between centres but off centre and started to balance/round it off then had to go to work so only have the light up part to show

I would have liked the opening to be narrower but as I only have a bowl gouge it's awkward to get in without catching.

It took me a while (and a huge pile of shavings and discarded attempts) to come up with an idea I was happy with, all I knew at first was that I wanted to incorporate light so started with a piece of Western red cedar as it holds it shape really well and once you get it down to around 2mm or thinner it really glows, once I had it done I picked out a piece of Mountain Ash and put it between centres but off centre and started to balance/round it off then had to go to work so only have the light up part to show

I would have liked the opening to be narrower but as I only have a bowl gouge it's awkward to get in without catching.