Genuinely posh people like your aristocracy don't seem to go in for all that $hite. I used to do a fair bit of business with a Marquis and Marchioness, and once you got used the Bertie Wooster stuff they were as good as gold. They've now inherited the Dukedom (Duchy?) and are in the top 50 or so richest people in the country.
No, the problems come with the 'nouveaux riches'. Usually only two generations or less from a council estate they tend to be a total pain in the ar$e! You are right to single out Posh & Becks as the ultimate example of this sub-species.
We've got thousands of them here in leafy Cheshire. When I started out in business I imagined that they would provide the most profitable work for me.
Forget it!!
The husbands tend to be ok, after all they've generally grafted for what they've achieved - its the wives who are the nightmare - usually the second or third version!
The nicest people to talk to and to do business with tend to live in bog-standard suburban semi's.
Sorry about the non-PC generalisations - I challenge anyone to tell me it isn't true, though!