Poor Moderation


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Keith Cocker

Established Member
27 Jan 2021
Reaction score
Spectric wrote in a thread he has shut down. “Well firstly congratulations on such a good thread involving political debate where everyone got there views over and has reached 89 pages without being shut down.”

So you shut it down. A perfectly mature and interesting thread. Your logic based on the title? Pathetic.
I think it had morphed, past an election debate and turned into a general political one. As this is a workshop forum, then off-topic threads should not really monopolise the forum - however entertaining.
Some threads just have that ability to go on-and-on, endlessly, so, I think the moderators intervention was a kindness in the end. :LOL:
Sorry that you disagree Keith but yes, it was a thread started for a purpose and that purpose had been fulfilled plus a week so we agreed to bring it to a close. Retire while you're ahead shall we say.

Leaving it open begs the question of what is it's purpose ? Who is going to look at it, why and what will then constitute dragging it off topic ?

Without some clear purpose threads tend to descend into debates between just a few people. You are all welcome to those - just start a new one. This was indeed a mature and interesting thread. I hope that UKW can have many more like it.
Thanks to all who contributed.
Thanks to the mods for putting up with it - it's a thankless task!
I hope there is no intention to delete it - it's full of interesting stuff, opinions, arguments, and especially links.
It's good and a bit special because it's a woodwork forum and hence includes all sorts of people and opinions, whereas political forums tend to be singing from the same sheet
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No intention of deleting at all Jacob. I'm happy that it survived in Off Topic and it will stay there for us all to look back at next time around. Who knows, the search engines can find it and politics students of the future may stumble across it while researching their projects. A UKW member might even get quoted in someone's thesis :) - voice of the common man, or even examples of (un)common sense !
Thanks to the mods for putting up with it - it's a thankless task!
I hope there is no intention to delete it - it's full of interesting stuff, opinions, arguments, and especially links.
We probably enjoyed the variety of input to the debate as much as anyone else and thanks to all the participants it was not a thankless task as you made it a pleasure to moderate and it did not become an all out war zone.

Do not worry @Jacob there is no intention of this thread being deleted and it will be around for all to see if for no other reason than evidence that we can have good political debates and everyone can see that there are some potential MP's amongst the ranks .
I'm locking this thread as issues with mods should be sent to me via private message/conversation and I'll look into it.

It is remarkable that the thread that was locked stayed decent. That is remarkable when any group discusses politics. Now the election is over we'd prefer we focus back on woodwork.

If you have issues with mod actions, please send me a private message and I'll investigate.
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