After getting most of that oak split and stacked last weekend, the power company came this week, and cut down a 16 inch hickory that died during last Summer's drought. It was in danger of falling on the power line, so it definitely needed to go. After reading about you guys having a hard time finding hickory over there, I feel a bit guilty about just cutting it all up for firewood. I've been toying with the idea of trying to plane some tree sections in to useable wood for a while now. I gave it a try with some of that oak, but the grain was twisted, and it seemed to get more splits, as I planed the pieces thinner. Ended up with some narrow pieces that might make some chisel handles or some other small project. This should probably be posted elsewhere. Anyway, I may try planing some of the hickory. Wish me luck.
I know I'm the new guy here on this forum (and a foreigner as well), but should there be a forum thread here, just for "rough" work, like working with raw timber and trees? Are there any others interested in doing that type of woodworking? I've little experience with it, but I live in the forest (8 acres of it) and would like to do something with the timber, aside from just burning it all up for firewood, as I've done for years.