Planing End Grain with the Veritas BUS

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Established Member
3 Mar 2005
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Just a quick question.

I have made some shelves that are trimmed with 18mm Iroko with the end grain showing at the sides (would you believe me if I said that was what the missus wanted?). I need to flush up the endgrain to the side of the shelf. What should the angle of the dangle be on the Veritas BUS? Leave it at the supplied angle (50 degrees EP, I think?).
It probably doesn't make a difference but haven't you got a LA smother?

Since lowering the blade angle would be a lot of work I'd try it at the standard angle of 37 degrees first. The LA jack is honed to 25 for shooting
oh ar5e. I always get that wrong. Bloody veritas and their similar planes.

Yep it's the LAS. (sounds like a swanky american airport).

I'll give it a go tomorrow. (seeing as I've got naff all else to do :roll: )
Well the sides might be at 90°, but they're not machined and they're curved. Low angle will shoot, bevel up won't. And the subtle differences drive me nuts too, Tom. I comfort myself that at least it's not quite as bad as the vast array of block planes Stanley offered in their prime - yet.

Cheers, Alf
Alf I was looking at your re-jigged tote for veritas planes. Do you still think it was an improvement?
What matters most is having a sharp blade - I do my shoulder planes at 55 degrees and they work great on end grain.
Hope this helps,
Philly :D
woodbloke":3bstd7s8 said:
Alf":3bstd7s8 said:
Low angle will shoot, bevel up won't.

Cheers, Alf
:-s ...expound por favor, or is it me being? #-o ...probably the latter :roll: - Rob

Hi Rob,

some pictures might help?!

The Bevel Up Smoother


The Low Angle Smother


The Bevel Up Jointer


The Low Angle Jack


As you can see the Low Angle planes have flat sides the Bevel Ups don't. (Wich is a bad thing at the Jointer because you can not take her as a straightedge.)

Cheers Pedder
pedder":2z1dfoem said:
As you can see the Low Angle planes have flat sides the Bevel Ups don't.

Which is all very confusing because they are all low angle and all bevel-up, but some are called low angle and some are called bevel-up, just to make it crystal clear :? :lol:

Cheers :wink:

pedder":29ygn04e said:
woodbloke":29ygn04e said:
Alf":29ygn04e said:
Low angle will shoot, bevel up won't.

Cheers, Alf
:-s ...expound por favor, or is it me being? #-o ...probably the latter :roll: - Rob

Hi Rob,

some pictures might help?!

The Bevel Up Smoother


The Low Angle Smother


The Bevel Up Jointer


The Low Angle Jack


As you can see the Low Angle planes have flat sides the Bevel Ups don't. (Wich is a bad thing at the Jointer because you can not take her as a straightedge.)

Cheers Pedder
I have three out the four of those ( and a few more lurking under the bench) but I have to agree with Paul, the classifications of the LV low angle range are confusticating an puzzling at the best of times even for someone what knows what they are. They're all low angle and they're all bevel up.
So how in the 'sharp and shiny' world do we expect a newbie to get his or her bonce round the differences...if I was one I'd be ](*,) ](*,) a few times - Rob
Working back up the thread:

It is blooming confusing, yes; I wish they'd decided to make the distinction in some other way myself, but I fear whatever they did it would confuse.

Phil, I came >this< close to saying about sharpness being more important, and then I ran away screaming at the thought of mentioning the S-word. And have I mentioned how much I love that early purpleheart shoulder plane of yours lately? No? Well I do. Very much.

Tom, the alternative tote - for me - was worth every moment spent on it. That doesn't mean it'd suit everyone, but I will say Rob Lee has totally converted me to thinking that, as a woodworker, a handle I don't find comfortable is a handle I could, would and should change. Unless I'm a collector. Which I'm not. Obviously...

Cheers, Alf
I find it a little too erect :oops: I've been using it today on the task mentioned in the first post and I just feel it's too upright. Will have to have a play when I get some time as I'm not a tool collector either. Clearly....

ooh, actually maybe I'd prefer a wooden smoother as I find myself wanting to 'cup' the back end. Get away from me Philly, you bad bad man! :D
wizer":348qqmny said:
ooh, actually maybe I'd prefer a wooden smoother as I find myself wanting to 'cup' the back end. Get away from me Philly, you bad bad man! :D

Who, me?? :lol:

And I'd be careful who you tell about this "cupping the back end" business..... :wink:

Al - yes, the "S"word. After Waka's bash I am now known as the "Simple Sharpener" - you can take that however you like :lol: Glad you're keeping the purpleheart plane safe, too. Got some sneaky ideas in the pipeline - more soon.

Philly :D
wizer":2ykbto67 said: I'm not a tool collector either. Clearly....
Obviously not. If you WERE you'd have all seven irons for your LAS (25°A2, 25° O1, 38° A2, etc... and the toothed iron) and then you would be able to tackle anything just by changing the iron... :lol:

Cheers, Vann.
Philly":szt5fj1d said:
Glad you're keeping the purpleheart plane safe, too.
Safe? Um, I'm using it - does that count? :D

I'd take being the "Simple Sharpener" as a compliment, personally. Just had a comment on my ancient YouTube vid with my hand grinder/two stone process that went "Wow, so much for just for sharping(sic) one blade". I thought of some set-ups I've seen and laughed muchly. :lol:

Vann, collectors would have all the irons, but still in their original, sealed wrapping. :wink:

Cheers, Alf
This made me laugh today. My wife, Mrs Oryx, is doing the company VAT return so she's getting the books in order. She says to me "that plane you bought off off someone on the forum, which one was it?"
"LVLA Jack" I replied.
"Ah" she said "The LA's are distinguishable from the BU's by their flat sides so you can use them on a shooting board"
Oryxdesign":28ojwe26 said:
"Ah" she said "The LA's are distinguishable from the BU's by their flat sides so you can use them on a shooting board"
Well, she's got that sussed correctly :wink:

Hang on to that woman Oryx 8)

I wish mine would say something intelligent about my tools..... :evil: :( :roll:

Cheers, Vann.

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