Mailee, what sealant and stain are you using. I asume that you are sealing before the stain, and is there enough sealant and enough time for it to dry. Regardless of your problem they look great.
Hi Malcom, The sealer is cellulose sanding sealer and the stain is Rustins spirit based. I am applying one even coat of sealer by brush with a light sanding before applying the stain with a sponge, after a few mins wiping off with a fresh cloth.
Well I finally did it at last! I am happy to announce that the wardrobe doors are stained and they look ok! I think you will agree.
It turned out that I was using the sanding sealer far too thick for it to sink in to the wood, thus when I sanded the panels I was effectively removing it again! Duh! I thinned it down a little over 50/50 and it worked a treat. Anyway I managed to get the doors hung today.
I do have to sand a little off the edges to give enough clearance. This is a small problem after what I have just gone through though.
Thanks Andrew, Well I suppose I do really but they are a long way from completion yet as I have the computer desk to build next and then the shelves and top cupboards, could be a long one this. :wink: