bugbear":fcll5739 said:
Jacob":fcll5739 said:
PPS "piece of wood gets convex while planing, how to solve?" is the exasperating title of this thread - the solution being "stop planing the piece of wood convex, do it flat instead" but I just don't know how to get across this simple message! :roll:
How to juggle: throw balls in the air without dropping them. Simple.
How do you teach someone to juggle balls? You tell them to practice. That's how everybody learns, and anybody can do it - eventually.
Actually, just like planing, there are little useful tips which a performer can pass on, which may speed up the learning process very slightly, but you will get there without them if you practice a lot and keep looking at and thinking about what you are doing.
I think Ali is struggling with an excess of information - he's been sent off on a wild goose chase with hundreds of hours of crazy sharpening and excessive plane fettling - but still can't plane a piece of wood!!!
Don't worry Ali you will get there in the end!
PS I bet he's spent quite a lot too. Big waste of time and money.
PPS for BB
http://learnhowtojuggle.info/ note "practice and persistence is the key"