Folks, Lemonwood and Sapele nice contrast. The top is floating ( small dab of glue in the centre at the ends of the panel) and book matched, the bottom is fixed with lemonwood veneer on plywood. I made jigs for the mitres and splines (see under general woodworking). The mitres are glued with slow setting areldite the splines with wudcare. The finish is 2 coats of danish oil and then a wax (Chestnut wood wax 22 clear). The dimensions are 240 * 140 * 120. The figure on the lemonwood is quite subtle and looks ok against the strong sapele. I noticed that few projects involve lemonwood, it is dense and hard but machines and planes well, there is no need to sand as there is a super mirror finish straight of the plane. Give it a go, it is not cheap, but check carefully for cracks.