Peter Sefton's Open Day - Saturday July 18th 2015

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Steve Maskery

Established Member
26 Apr 2004
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This is an excellent summer day out. Peter is probably not allowed to advertise it openly on here, but it is worthy of being well-supported. I've been to several. They are not huge, but they are very good and he seems to have more demos lined up than ever, this year.

Put it in your diary, you'll be glad you did.

I hope the burgers are on again.
Absolutely Steve, one of the best open days I've been to when I went 2 or 3 years back. Sadly it falls right on my holiday this year so won't be able to get there.
Thanks Steve, hope you can make it down for the day

A few different demonstrators here this year.

Lee Stoffer green wood carving

Thomas Flinn with Pax saws and Clifton planes

The students will have their furniture exhibition including Sam Carters table that has just one an Alan Peter's award for young designer maker 2015 from CCD.

http://www.celebrationofcraftsmanship.c ... Award.aspx

And we are collecting old tools for Help 4 Heroes charity again who will be cooking up the burgers!

Cheers Peter
Thanks guys look forward to seeing you, I have edited my last post as Gordon Fry and Wealden Cutters are now not able to make it.

Hammer will be bringing the Silent Power cutter block in the planer for me to play with and demonstrate.

Three of my part time teachers will be helping out. Bob Jones will be domonstrating french polishing, Chris Eagles will be behind his lathe and Chris Yates will be talking about routing.

Please do collect up any unused tools and bring them along for the Help 4 Heroes charity. They will take them away and auction them off for their rehabilitation workshops. Last year we raised over £300 from the BBQ and they doubled that after the auction.

Cheers Peter
If I can find someone to sit with my Lady, I'll see you there folks.
Peter, do you need any contributions to the victuals?

Look Forward.
Ive got the green light to come (after some rescheduling of domestics) - so it's Art in Action on Friday, Peter's on Saturday and hopefully (full of inspiration) the workshop on Sunday.
Ah, Art in Action. Yes, a very good day out. I used to go regularly a decade or so ago. It did get to be Once You've been, You've Been, but I always enjoyed it, especially when the weather was good.
Benchwayze":bg5bch01 said:
If I can find someone to sit with my Lady, I'll see you there folks.
Peter, do you need any contributions to the victuals?

Look Forward.

It would be great to see you if you can make it John. I hope you can find a friend to spend the day with your wife.

The food is on order so nothing to bring.

We do have vegetarian burgers but people may have to ask for them. Sarah says we did have them last year but they were still in the fridge at the end of the day. It gets a bit hectic and the H4H guys are kept busy all day.

Cheers Peter

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