Established Member
It amazes me that there are people posting here about other people who make content and shock and horror make money from doing so who appear to have some experience in working with wood and forget that woodwork is not a science. Often, right and wrong is subjective. What suits one person in the way they hone, sharpen or saw, may not suit another. Either way, the wood does't care, the joint will fit well enough most of the time. Imprecision and minor imperfections and all.
When PS, RC et al expound on a subject, they are giving an opinion. Many on here have said as much. Why act like a bunch of armchair contract lawyers and look for phrases that seem to make someone look bad, appear arrogant, a bit of a know it all. You know they don't know it all but you also know that they are doing something positive, not sitting harping on fora.
But that’s the point Gary, (at least my point) they aren’t always giving just an opinion but throwing around dogmatism as if that’s the end of it.
Unwary prospective woodies latch unto this sort of talk and go out of their way to perpetuate the dogmatism.
Sure, we can all choose to ignore or not, but some folk who are just starting out to spend their hard earned cash don’t often know a good chisel from a fork.
Certainly there is plenty of sound advice to be had from RC or PS but my initial post was not referring to their advice per se, but their plain and simple dogmatism when they do give advice …“My way is right and you‘re way is wrong “ or “my way is the only way” .
Nothing wrong with making money out of producing online content..if it’s good.
But some are making money out of online content by telling others that they‘re making money out of woodwork they produce, and you can do the same, or at least giving that impression no doubt deliberately, when in fact they’re making money out of producing online content “about” woodworking …there’s a world of difference.
Sometimes false impressions are no different from telling porkies.
Recently I was talking to someone who got hooked onto PS’s website.
He bought a load of tools of EBay including a couple of Stanley No4s (PS‘s fav).
He also bought a Record 071 for which he paid £145.
I ask him why he bought 071 instead of buying a new Lie-Nielsen or Veritas for a few pound more and he said he had considered them but PS seemed to recommended the 071 over and above the others.
Why I ask this recommendation, it’s not that much cheaper than the Veritas or Lie-Nielsen ?
Could it be just preference on PS’ behalf ?
Maybe, but maybe not.
PS’s has a way of making simple things simple and not over complicating what should be simple tasks and seems a nice enough fella ,but his “my way or no way” mentality isn’t particularly endearing.
Thats only in my opinion of course as I haven’t tried him out over time against anyone of similar quality to make a genuine comparison

This forum is as good as any for advice with little dogmatism on show …except when it comes to sharpening techniques of course