Having read the usual for and against , as a cyclist, motorist and ex motorcyclist, the biggest factor in all this is time, no one leaves enough time to get from A to B
Round us we have several schools, the parents dropping off children often drive like complete idiots, race through gaps, park on double yellows or across gateways, speed by schools at ridiculous speeds and mostly due to being in a rush
(I would bet a great many of them could walk it quicker)
There are places around here where bollards have been placed to help pedestrians cross, but also cause a bottle neck, as a cyclist I have been nearly run down several times as drivers race to get by, only to slow down after as there are pedestrian lights then a fried egg roundabout
If people got up five minutes earlier, and allowed for the occasional hold up (cyclist, bin lorry etc) perhaps they wouldn't need to drive like Lewis Hamilton