Let me know if it is worth a read to clear up my knowledge of this murky world - in the case of the TW it sounds to me like legal theft of national taxes using a privatised essential monopoly.
Gary Stevenson "The Trading Game" very readable.
1st half is rip-roaring autobiography of his rapid rise to mega wealth, but he is no intellectual, no reference to Adam Smith, Keynes etc.
Not read 2nd half yet.
These people have to be very good at maths and able to calculate probabilities rapidly. But further than that they need to make judgements of probabilities based on observation of other players in the game, whilst concealing their own - just like Poker!
In other words our economy and our lives are largely dominated by a set of gamblers motivated by greed, with no particular moral or social obligations as long as it is legal, or if not, then well covered.
Also looked at similarly titled "The Money Game" by "Adam Smith" a pen name for one George Goodman, an American. 1967 but still highly relevant
Similar story and very readable - much more intellectual and well written with lots of references.
Quote from 2nd page of the intro stands out:
" ....a new generation of professional money managers........efforts bent not towards the stewardship of capital but towards its increase....".
Also read "Adam Smith" by Jesse Norman, who points out that Smith also believed that free markets would operate for the benefit of everybody, directed by sense of public duty, basic morality, regarded these as essential, to be taken for granted.
He got the last bit wrong!
Norman says "There can be no such thing as value free economics...........a new narrative... must start with a new political economy........beyond the scope of this book"
??? which book then???
Next going to look at Keynes.
Unfortunately it doesn't look as though any of these books will help me to get mega rich!