Just to finalise Pete I pushed the button on an SD31 today. I went to John Davis Woodturning where RP are having a "show" today as it is only about 30 miles from me. Not sure what the show constituted it more seemed to be a chap from RP being on hand to answer questions, nothing like the D&M show where they hire a pretty sizeable venue. However, no matter, as RP had confirmed on their enquiry system they honoured the same deal as I would have had at the D&M event. So I have ordered a new SD31 "launch package", which means it comes with the jockey wheel kit and digital readout, delivered to my home for £1460. If I had bought it on the RP website it would have been £1700 plus £60 delivery, so a very decent saving of £300 - jolly glad I hung on to the RP flyer from the D&M Show

As an aside, I am not a turner so have never made the trip to John Davis before, but what a thoroughly decent chap he is! As indeed was Peter from RP.