And that’s why Wadkin own the market and all other manufacturers have gone bust… or is it the opposite?
The desire to resort to name calling and denouncing everyone as ignorant is a sad state of affairs, so I’ll leave you to it.
Please show me the name calling, moderators feel free to jump in.
I also never said
he was ignorant - I asked if
he was aware that sheet steel comes in a huge variety of thicknesses and tensile strengths, and implying that million pound swiss machinery uses THE SAME sheet steel as the items sold in Lidl, as per
HIS example is both deliberately misleading and wholly wrong on just about every count.
He cannot say "I was just stating that sheet steel is used on million pound machines and cheap machines from Lidl" because the two have ZERO direct correlation other than the base material used is "steel", though the reality is it's not even THE SAME TYPE of steel at a fundamental atomic level.
His quote again with my bold:
There’s nothing wrong with the way your machine has been made, if it’s out of alignment it was set wrong at the factory. If it’s in tolerance and it works how it should, it’s just fine.
Million pound Swiss machinery is made with sheet steel bodywork, so is that from Lidl. If old machines are somehow so much better they’d have gone up in price, not down, unless they’re somehow magically exempt from the fundamental economic principles of everything else on the planet.
Calling someone wrong is NOT the same as "name calling", even though there seems to be a larger and larger portion of the seemingly more fragile population now claiming it is. (which is ironic considering the topic being discussed is one of tensile strength)**
Stating that a large portion, if not the majority, of buyers of cheap machines are ignorant of ALL of the realites and consequences of buying a cheap machine, and that they in turn are actually one of the driving forces behind why manufacturers produce ever cheaper machines to fit under their fiscal boundaries; thus manufacturers are forced to cut corners in
quality to reduce costs, is also NOT namecalling and is ALSO a simple and long recognised FACT.
If TheTiddles doesn't like those factual realites because it shoots down his stated theories with both barrels, that's not my problem; making false accusations of namecalling on this forum in a bid to smear me as a "bad guy" in an attempt to undermine my replies however IS my problem because it has implications and consequences of it's own regarding my continued membership of this forum.
Here is my post in reply to TheTiddles above post, wherein he claims I'm "namecalling" - feel free to check this version with the uneditable original:
They have gone down for one simple reason - people generally have no clue as to the realities of the cheaper tat they are buying, and thus sellers of quality machines are forced to price according to the knowledge of the ignorant.
You ARE aware that sheet steel comes in a range of thicknesses and types of steel with more or less carbon in, aka higher or lower tensile strength? Your opening analogy is completely flawed on just about every level.
Manufacturers are absolutely NOT ignorant of the realities, however they also have to pander to the tightfisted wallets of the ignorant, AND the shareholders lack of desire to make a better quality product for the same money.
And lastly just for absolute clarity: Ignorant: - lacking knowledge or awareness in general.
Even if one takes the informal meaning of "stupid" instead, there is no part of my post that states I am accusing TheTiddles DIRECTLY or INDIRECTLY of being thus.
So I'm going to ask TheTiddles again to back up his statement that I did ANY specific namecalling to him personally, or directly accused him of being ignorant, otherwise if he can't, to retract his accusation.
