I've never been to a chiropractor but have and do visit the osteopath about every 3-4 months. I first started when I hurt my back by twisting and was lying on the floor for an hour just to ease it - 2 x 30 min sessions (£32 a time) over 4 days were the best money ever spent. One key difference is that Osteopaths (can) also perform cranial Osteopathy - so work on the whole body. My wife suffered 3 migraines in 2 days and had them every few months. After cranial osteopathy she has had none for 2 years. They are also good for babies and children (again friends with examples of 6-10 month crying babies helped by cranial oesteopathy - makes sense as the head is squeezed at birth). Here's a comment i just found by searching on google - it's from a forum for SC (Sydenhams Chorea - don't know what that is)...
My son is now 11 years old and has Sydenhams....I took him to see a Cranial Oestopath, as he had been having violent migraines. Since we have been going to see the Cranial Oestopath... has improved so much so that he is now in school full time and he only has problems when he is overtired o
I asked my Oestopath what his 'unusual' treatment result was - he quoted a party challenge (I think from a doctor) to cure his 10 year old that had never breathed through his nose all his life (always mouth open). After a short course of cranial oesteopahy he breathed normally
Personally, I'm a 'normal' skelatel problem' patient - still its strange being told that most of your spine is locked, your left shoulder is in front of your right and your neck doesn't move enough (he cured my shoulder by seemingly holding his hand still near my diaphragm for a few minutes - apparently it released a muscle that was pulling that side down. Then he cracked' my neck and virtually every vertebra to get me flexible again.
My daughter when 11 was in a car accident that only started to cause problems when she was 21 - sorted by the Oesteopath - that is quite common as the problem is realised when the body grows and what every got twisted or moved runs out of space.
As the other post said, its all on recommendation and for me it was from a family with migraines that were cured - so my wife went first then got me an emergency appointment when i hurt my back