Established Member
Thanks for yours, interesting to know what it cost for yours, I am not absolutely certain but think it may be timber for our daughters, cost being one part but where we want to add a walkway and some storage falls over nice sturdy brick walls, mind you I haven't priced the timber required yet ;-)We used the LoftZone Storefloor system and they installed it for us.
I paid £1875 which included the floorboards system and chipboard, an additional 100mm insulation (taking me up to 200mm), a ladder, hatch enlargement, covering nearly 19m2. This included a 25% discount for doing the order as I dithered for a while, and they said it's a promotion they do every year in the summer. I had it installed at the start of July.
I have a hot water extension tank in the loft, so they boarded around that.
There is a weight limit per m2, approx 25kg IIRC, so keeping under that you'll be fine avoiding issues like sagging chipboard (I guess go for OSB boards, that's what a lot of people use on YouTube). Just be realistic with what they want to put in the loft, as the weight you put on any support system will include the joists, too, and I've read some stories of people seeing their ceilings dipping after lugging heavy audio equipment in their lofts.
Also, if you do DIY it, keep clearance around the eaves and do not let insulation touch the underside of the boards you lay down (or at least don't compress it) otherwise this will create a moisture problem.
I hope this helps.
Plus the rafters are unevenly spaced which wouldn't suit the storefloor idea