May I remind you we had one of the strictest lockdowns in the world, so are you saying lockdown didn't work?

They did eventually work. You have again highlighted a glaring issue with UK policy.
I'm no expert on this, but from what I've seen every lockdown was implemented late in the day, weeks after Sage recommended it. The maths dictates that the sooner a lockdown begins the sooner exponential growth is interrupted and lockdown ends much quicker and is for a much short total duration. You pay a bit upfront but reap a dividend later.
Its hard to compare different countries as circumstances are different, but over a range of like countries, Ireland, Spain, France Germany, Denmark, Norway all did lockdowns 1 and 2 quicker than the Uk and theirs ran for much less time than ours. These countries had less infections to get under control, so got back to normal quicker than us.
Italy a bit of an exception in wave one. It did quite a quick lockdown (but the virus was raging earlier there - it caught us in Europe by surprise) , however, they locked down only part of the country so ended up with a double headed locked own. To say we are about as competent as Italy and Brazil is hardly praise.
The UKs statistics, apart from the vaccine role out, are not good 187 deaths per hundred thousand. We are amongst the worlds worst and for a developed country, that lectures the world on pandemic measures, has some of the best Pharma companies and many of the best medical schools in the world that is pretty miserable.
The sad thing about the UK was the government delayed the first lockdown by only about two weeks, but had to extend it for several weeks beyond what our European neighbors needed to. Same with the November lockdown (the bodies pile high debate). In the case of January lockdown, it was bit different, we were hit by a new variant that took us by surprise, in that case people spotted it quite quickly and the government did respond. Most people felt they should have cancelled Christmas, but the last person to do that (Oliver Cromwell) didn't survive the outcome - or his dynasty didn't. The result was 0-3 win to the virus for each wave. What is particularly galling is that in each case we endured a much longer closure of our economy than most other similar countries and still have the deaths, a real double whammy.