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Bringing it back to the video in question. Whether she knows how to sharpen or not, the video is significantly worse than paul sellers videos on sharpening for example. In Pauls video on sharpening the focus is firmly on what he is doing
Yebbut you get a good view of the man himself, and his beard, centre screen! Some may find this distracting. Not me personally I hasten to add! Maybe he should wear a mask?
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If I worked with you and I came into work wearing a Justin Hawkins catsuit open down to just below my belly button, you wouldn't be distracted?
I probably would but a bloke emulating Justin Hawkins (I haven't seen the picture) is somewhat different to being distracted from what a young woman wearing the clothes that many young women choose to wear is saying to me.
Yebbut you get a good view of the man himself, and his beard, centre screen! Maybe he should wear a mask?
Is there another presenter who presents primarily 'is own persona above all else? I find it quite difficult to concentrate on his info as his persona is grating so much on me sensibilities. One sees he may be chucking pearls but it becomes quite wearing to be so obviously regarded as a mere member of the common porcine herd he seems to feel is down there below his pulpit. Self-effacing he is not!

But its all a matter of taste, eh, the mass media personality stuff. I like that of Jacob, for example. :)
The banality of youtube is that this will not be the last ‘how to sharpen a chisel’ videos. Mathematically, we’re still at the very beginning of ‘how to sharpen…’ tutorials.

I don't think she is very tacky compared to most and I think she just relocated to Australia. I’d be filming naked in a cold shower in such conditions.

Just imagine that!
Lost the plot here
Are we debating on
A if she can sharpen
B the her gender
C or whether her choice of clothing is correct for a working environment
This is the dark side of youtube, I think they are just someone who struggles to accept that in the grand scheme of things they are not even a speck of dust and are trying to disprove this fact on youtube. Has anyone actually looked to see if @Jacob has a youtube video on sharpening ?
That's a really unpleasant attitude towards another member. Are you struggling with not even being a speck of dust yourself?
Watched the vid because I’m interested in sharpening - pleased to see how others do it and use what I’ve learned to improve my own skills. Then I read the comments….

As a girlie (old) I did not even think about what she was wearing, was more thinking about her delivery style and what she was saying. But I enjoyed seeing the Kookaburra on the bannister and so clearly she’s in a hot climate so why not wear lightweight attire? Seems more appropriate than our next generation who has decided to wear shorts all year in Norfolk, If he made a YouTube video would everyone criticise him for flaunting a shapely calf and being easy on the eye? OK I admit familial bias btw.
The thing is, it is essentially impossible to gather any views and therefore make any money on YouTube without using clickbaits. Misleading and dramatic titles and thumbnails, revealing clothing, whatever.

Veritasium, an hard science channel, once made a video demonstrating with figures and a/b testing how regretfully it had become impossible to them to gain any meaningful reach unless they used thumbnails and eye catching titles not in line with the factual and measured content of their videos.

In the end, the bulk of views and any meagre income come from entertainment.
The majority of Sellers's views presumably come from people fascinated with his calm demeanor, his skills and determination to use hand tools. Not necessarily from people doing actual woodwork.
Similarly, most viewers of the lady in question were initially, or permanently, attracted by her looks.

They still do woodwork though, for which there are few buyers, so to speak, and selling is always about the buyer, not the seller.

I have great admiration for the integrity of people choosing to do otherwise, but they gather ridiculously low views and cannot typically make a living out of it.
So I do not condemn those who instead chase the algorithm, if their work is decent, because otherwise nobody truly interested would ever get a chance to see it.

But it is nothing new, isn't it?
How many artists had to resort to skimpy clothing or headline grabbing behaviours before the internet, even if they were really good at their craft?
The thing is, it is essentially impossible to gather any views and therefore make any money on YouTube without using clickbaits.
So it's all about money, rather than shared knowledge?

Why on Earth does every single thing under the Sun have to be monetised? I despair of the human race, self destruction imminent.
,,,,,, clearly she’s in a hot climate so why not wear lightweight attire? Seems more appropriate than our next generation who has decided to wear shorts all year in Norfolk, If he made a YouTube video would everyone criticise him for flaunting a shapely calf and being easy on the eye?
The winter shorts phenomenon - its prevalent elsewhere amongst the younger fellows but also those older fellows who are of the sort once described as "mutton dressed as lamb". The power of fashion to induce folk who are, let's say, not suited to those fashions to nevertheless don them is immense! I am tempted, these days, to keep a space blanket with me at all times, in case I come across a shorts-clad lad shivering in a small heap, with teeth chattering and bare blue leg of unpleasant aspect.

On the other hand, perhaps we wearers of the warm and cuddlesome garb are fashion failures and should be out flaunting our own bits and pieces? It's very tempting to put up an avatar here consisting of meself 50 years ago in a pair of budgie-smugglers, just to get more forumites to read my babbles! :) (Yes, I realise they wouldn't).

Just lately I are been mostly reading dystopian novels by C J Carey, portraying and exploring a Blighty that instead of winning WWII avoided it by becoming a "Protectorate" of Nazi Germany. A main theme is the exploration of the imposition of Nazi attitudes and socio-economic arrangements applied to women - a sort of variation of the stuff found in that famous Handmaids book. It's a rather good expose of many of the attitudes that seem to lie just below the surface of many a male mind of our actual here&now, so it is. I recommend the C J Carey novels to all, especially those over-excited by a bare female arm.
So it's all about money, rather than shared knowledge?

Why on Earth does every single thing under the Sun have to be monetised? I despair of the human race, self destruction imminent.
"Cash Payment the sole nexus; and there are so many things which cash will not pay! Cash is a great miracle; yet it has not all power in Heaven, nor even on Earth. 'Supply and demand' we will honour also; and yet how many 'demands' are there, entirely indispensable, which have to go elsewhere than to the shops, and produce quite other than cash, before they can get their supply? On the whole, what astonishing payments does cash make in this world!" - Thomas Carlyle.

The greatest blight of our age is the reduction of every kind of value to cash value. Your grandmother may be worth more in the grandma auctions if she loves you.

Yet cash values are still themselves but an emblem of those ancient human needful things - power & glory. Although power & glory are still the fundamentals, cash has proved a very handy shortcut to acquiring them. Perhaps its even replaced one of them. After all, there's nothing glorious about the likes of many of our currently prominent oligarchs and billionaires. In fact, their obsession with cash has become so great that they're better described as kleptocrats. Power once required riches to acquire. Now becoming rich seem to require power.

But glory is still a thing, eh? These days its called "attention-getting", which has perhaps been the essence of the traditional glory stuff all along. Even the compulsion to acquire the attention of some god or other was always in reality the need to get the attention of the other humans. It still doesn't matter how your get it, though. "No publicity is bad publicity" etc.. Hero or antihero - fame or infamy - all welcome to the me-my-I human.
To be fair to her, most of her videos don't have a provocative image (although almost every single thumbnail contains a picture of her),
She seems to have provoked you!
and I would guess she is still trying to find a balance between being using looks and being taken seriously.
Is that what you do?
It's pretty much marketing 101. (I realise now that I have actually watched some of her videos in the past
Surprise surprise!:ROFLMAO:

Click on what you want to click on, but lets not pretend that looks are not part of a marketing strategy
But you don't choose your looks. Do think she should wear a mask or something?
to attract more clicks regardless of how skilled or unskilled the person is.
I thought it was YT about sharpening. You and others seem to think otherwise and will have certainly generated more clicks!
Are you struggling with not even being a speck of dust yourself?
Completely the opposite, I totaly accept that in the grand scheme of things I am just one very small microscopic fish in a huge ocean and that this also applies to the human race, infact even more miniscule as the universe is so many magnitudes larger. The issue comes when people cannot accept this thought, they believe they are better than the average so try and stand out. The worst examples are titles like sir and baroness which belong in the history books as part of a pigeon holed society that is thankfully coming apart.

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