Here in Cz, there is almost a reliance on the 'unofficial' recyclers cleaning up any scrap. It is more often being taken to a scrap merchants in exchange for beer money (beer is cheaper than water here), rather than being recycled in the way we are talking about here. There have been cases where it has been taken to extremes, so they did tighten the law a few years back, making the scrap dealers more responsible for identifying the provenance and legality of the sourcing of the material (I believe there were some railway rails involved in one case).
You do see a lot of stores here making pallets available by leaving them outside their doors, which is nice, especially if you happen to have a jigsaw or hand saw in the boot.
If any of my colleagues have any trees felled, I usually get asked if I want any of the wood, and if I do take it, I usually make them a box or something in return.