Morning all,
Rumours of our demise have been greatly exaggerated....
Hello slave driver you

but I’m glad that you find it interesting.
Hello Halo...Thanks for the concern. We don’t do relaxing; the most that we could take of sitting by the pool and reading, would be three days, by which time we would be itching to get on with something. As I often say, we will be found face down in a trench at the age of ninety. :shock: :roll:
Hello Kirk....Keep up the good work......
Had I been crawling to Compostela, that would have been the reason for the long time since last posting. Compostela is a hell of a long way from Antiquera. It's a good job that I don't have a religious bone in my body - but the Grand Mosque in Cordoba was something else. =D>
We have been rather busy in the garden. When we came back, the grass was about nine inches tall (honest) we hadn’t been able to cut it before, due to the excess of liquid sunshine. :evil:
The mountain of clay that was the left over from the new leaching field run, has now been barrowed into the ex pond, and there is now a foot to go. The plan is to plant some more trees and create a ‘woody walk’. To that end we have removed the bridge over the (non working) waterfall and created a brick walkway so that we can get from the wood to the grass circle on the other side. This area was bordered by a large shrub bed that has now been pick axed clear. The circle will be enclosed by yet more trees, and is about twenty foot in diameter.
We just need to soften the edges with some planting.
Whilst in sunny Espania, we went to the Picasso museum in Malaga. Whilst interesting, what struck us was the terrace for the cafe. It was an oasis of peace in the middle of the city. We now intend to recreate this feel on what passes for a lawn, by the house. We have already changed the detail. The right hand end hedge will not happen. This will give use a 'drift' into the wooded area, and allow us better to see the blossom that will be there.
The bit down the centre of the left hand part is a very shallow ripple water feature.
Just a small job then......‘Woodwork’ you remind me....well, there is the pergola.
I thought that you might be interested in seeing the workshop in its setting. We weren’t sure if it would work, but we feel very happy with the outcome. What do you think?.....Err, please don't think of this as a gloat; we still feel that we have won the lottery - in spite of the hard work.
There is still so more ‘garden management’ to carry out, but then it’s back to finishing the doors, before repointing the end of the house. The inside of the workshop will be finished in the colder months, as it was 34℃ yesterday. It will be interesting to see what ameliorating effect the insulation and roof ventilation will have?
Right, so it's off to the tip with the car stuffed to the gunnels (ok. gunwales for you pedants

) with bags of grass clippings, with two more trips after that - we can't compostela that lot.....sorry Kirk. :roll: :wink: