My first Windsor Chair - Now with added WIPs

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Good Surname or what ?

Established Member
11 Mar 2005
Reaction score
Reading, Berks
On Monday I will start a 5-day windsor chair making course with James Mursell at the Windsor Workshop.

Just one other student. I can't wait. I just hope the pub I'm staying in offers a broadband connection as well as a selection of real ales. :D Then I can upload my progess photos as I go.

If not, you'll have to wait until next weekend to see the result.
I'm really excited for you! I bet you have loads of fun; I can't wait to see the photos.


I'm sure you'll enjoy the experience and learn a lot more in the five days than you could ever have emagined.

I'm not jealous, I'm not jealous

Sounds a great way to spend a week. Hope you have fun and learn lots. I am looking forward to see the pictures. :D
What a fantastic week. I'm hooked. Can't wait to go back and make a double-bow chair.


If I get time this week I'll write something to accompany the WIPS. ... ?start=all
Wonderful =D> . You must be very pleased with yourself 8)

So, Phil, you've got the bug then. You're doomed, chum. :roll: :lol: Very nice; I'll just go into a dark corner and whimper a bit... ](*,)

Cheers, Alf
That's fabulous =D> . I bet it's very comfortable to sit on, too.

Excellent, I particularly like the shaped seat. I have seen Norm make a windsor chair and the whole process of shaping out something for your bottom to be comfortable on must be most rewarding! :wink:
Good Surname or what ?":dfqr8i73 said:
What a fantastic week. I'm hooked. Can't wait to go back and make a double-bow chair...
And how proud you must be. That's a fantastic looking chair!

That seat just begs to be sat upon. Well done!

Take care, Mike
Very, very impressive. =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

What skills did you have before you went on the course ie there's obviously a fair amount of turning involved - did you know how to do that etc.


Very very nice. Really enjoyed the WIP pictures. Well done.