Motor mounting choice

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Established Member
21 Aug 2017
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I've got a new, face mount motor for a table saw I'm rescuing from the scrap man.

I've a choice to make. I can mount it as Roger has here:

That involves drilling some slots in the mounting plate and I have a 5mm steel plate I can cut for the mount. Quite a lot of cutting, drilling and filing but probably doable.

The original mounting is onto a cast iron circular plate with an eccentric hole that fits into the main mounting plate circular opening. It's just about sized so that I could re-drill the cast plate for 4 bolts and mount the motor. The round plate is held by three bracket lugs (my description)

Any pros/cons for one approach over the other?
Was the original motor foot mounted ? With face mount you have to take into account the bending moment on the plate, many face mount motors fit into cast assemblies that are very rigid, I would look at using 8mm plate as minimum.
Was the original motor foot mounted ? With face mount you have to take into account the bending moment on the plate, many face mount motors fit into cast assemblies that are very rigid, I would look at using 8mm plate as minimum.
What Roy says.

I have a face mount 4kW motor sitting in my hall (don't ask) and thinking about the leverage that monster would exert on any plate unless is was mounted vertically is quite intimidating.
Your motor won't be as heavy but rigidity will still be the issue.
I would be looking at redrilling so that you can mount using the original cast iron.