Mobile speed Camera Vans

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benjimano":365cqyo4 said:
You've got a real hatred for blue haven't you Jacob....
The right? Certainly have! Not alone either. Pleased to see Boris coming out of the closet as a typical very thick and unpleasant old etonian! We know where we are with Boris!
benjimano":1s88qd8y said:
You've got a real hatred for blue haven't you Jacob.


Nothing wrong with hating blue, as long as you recognise all the others are just as bad. Probably the odd few with integrity and sense in all parts of the House, shame about the rest.
I think an important point has been lost along the way here, even used Markturners thread as a negative rather that what I see it as, a positive. 'Laws are written for the lowest common denominator' What's wrong with that? Not everyone can drive as well as everyone else can they, for example a person who has only passed their test for a few months, or perhaps a person with reduced reaction time due to older age etc etc, and we all have to use the same roads. Making the safest laws for the greatest number seems a good solution to me. There will always be super brilliant drivers around like Markturner and there are facilities provided to match his needs too - fines and prisons. Jinx
Jacob. Please don't confuse my post as me being blue.
I see no colour, only lies. I couldn't give two hoots as to what colour they are.
I do find it amusing that you appear to instantly disregard any evidence/reference/survey etc as being B.S if the authors are blue.
Makes me chuckle.
phil.p":11yuh3ah said:
The best speed control of all (apart from your right fist or foot) is a traffic light that goes red it you approach too quickly. Foolproof, but not good for revenue. :)

Very interesting 'experiment' a while back where town planners timed the traffic lights so that someone travelling at the speed limit would see all green lights. They might get stopped by the first, but then, if they drove sensibly, they would see green lights all the way. Sprinting away from the lights and breaking the speed limit would just lead to a wait at another red light while the sensible driver caught up.

It seems that the locals all caught on quickly and adjusted their driving for ease rather than fun. I think the approach is being used as a standard nowadays within practical limits. Certainly my (anecdotal) experience is that, where there are lots of lights in succession on a major route then the sensible speed gives most green lights.

Anyone else noticed something similar?
Well it seems I've opened a can of worms!
Strange how certain people can turn the original content into a hate the Telegraph and Boris campaign (on second thoughts not strange at all :wink: ), Strange also that in my case for instance having a blemish free licence for 47 years covering considerable mileages up to 50,000pa at one stage, compares to one who advocates rigid adherance to speed limits but has been,
"nabbed me 3 times so far (only 35 in a 30 zone etc) were all very sensibly situated in built up residential areas with busy straight roads "
- Is your eyesight defective? :lol:

I drive quickly at times though rarely above the speed limit except on motorways where the majority of normal trafic flow is around 80 and it's surely preferable (and safer) than sitting at 50 or 60 in the middle or outside lane with a jam of vehicles bumper to bumper. I do rigidly adhere to the limits in built up areas despite the fact that it's blatantly obvious to anyone with half a brain that some of the limits are not justifyable. I also drive defensivelyu and firmly believe that it should be a mandatory part of learning to drive.

Those 2300 caught by the camera deserve it irrespective of the limit being wrong for the road, they exceeded the limit and got zapped. The speed signs are actually in an unsafe position and should be extended further around the bend to give motorists more time to brake safely or or taken another 50 metres back to serve the same purpose (but then the van would have nowhere to hide / no revenue :roll: ). It isn't that many years ago that the vans were white with only a tiny logo and when approaching looked for all the world like a builders or delivery van. Only after a huge outcry about them having nothing to do with safety and everything to do with finance were they reluctantly signwritten to make them conspicuous - hence the need now to hide.

I don't need to chase the local authority regarding the hidden van as our councillor is doing so but perhaps not for the reason members here might think.
The campaign by our councillor is to discover why the camera is deployed there instead of the unsafe, main A road with regular speeding and a poor safety record and to correct that action and deploy where they will save lives and injuries =D> It's indisputable that the reason is purely revenue - end of story (hammer)

:lol: If you think cameras are about safety, try standing a couple of hundred yards in front of one and waving speeding motorists down. See what plod'll do. After all, you're only thinking about public safety.
Jinx":3jmp6ojv said:
I think an important point has been lost along the way here, even used Markturners thread as a negative rather that what I see it as, a positive. 'Laws are written for the lowest common denominator' What's wrong with that? Not everyone can drive as well as everyone else can they, for example a person who has only passed their test for a few months, or perhaps a person with reduced reaction time due to older age etc etc, and we all have to use the same roads. Making the safest laws for the greatest number seems a good solution to me. There will always be super brilliant drivers around like Markturner and there are facilities provided to match his needs too - fines and prisons. Jinx

Oh, I was wondering when the first one of these would missed the whole point you think I am that conceited and full of myself that I am incapable of recognizing my own limitations or those of others?
I have driven high performance cars and motorbikes to their limits, I have competed in races and regularly attend trackday events. I am a skilled and accomplished driver and much better placed than you to judge what I can and cant do safely thanks......
My 30 years plus experience of the roads, from behind the wheel of a car, handlebars of a bike, or a van have shown me that indeed, yes, I can drive safely yet fast, analyze the situations and act appropriately, without endangering other people. I dread to think what your idea of excitement involves if you want to see me jailed for exceeding the speed limit safely on a few occasions.......

I got stopped the other day doing 85 in 50....... they let me off with a warning, as "they could see I was not a danger to other road users" what does that tell you? Its all about the situation.

I did not expect my view to be popular, I was just wanted to express my deep held belief that the individual is often better placed than the state to decide whats right, sensible, and appropriate..........
Baldhead":13dl550l said:
Bob this will be of use to you

Play around with this site, it actually tells you where the mobile cameras will be.


Thanks Stew
I've seen that before though I never bother as I said I'm careful anyway. It is however not accurate e.g. It shows "active" mobile sites but the one on the stretch of road I refer to (outside a well known garden centre where there are regular serious accidents) has not been deployed in that 6 month period - why not?
Interesting also that is the only active site in a 30 mile stretch of the road :shock:

Another interesting fact is that the fixed camera in our village caught so few speedsters that they removed the camera and it was only after a lot of campaigning that they recently put one back in. Before someone says nobody is speeding because they think theres a camers, that's rubbish as the road is used mainly by regular travellers and it's very common knowledge - bush telegraph and all that ( #-o don't mention Telegraph #-o )

phil.p":1zw57p8x said:
:lol: If you think cameras are about safety, try standing a couple of hundred yards in front of one and waving speeding motorists down. See what plod'll do. After all, you're only thinking about public safety.
Somebody did that in Northumberland a few years ago if I remember, was arrested and charged with some sort of public order offence I think. Actions likely to endanger or distract motorists?
I don't know if he got off or not but the powers that be certainly stopped him doing it very quickly.

Jacob":q12cfpgg said:
markturner":q12cfpgg said: drive at 70mph on the motorway, but if road conditions etc were bad, it would be unsafe. So blindly following the limits is not right.
I think we understand that. We do realise that the 70 is not a compulsory minimum speed
.... Look at Germany - do they have a problem there? .......
Yes they do. Do a google and find out for yourself
.... Also, the law is designed to fit the lowest common denominator, so unfortunately, its one size fits all.
I think this is the funniest bit - the rules are just for the riff raff, not for J Clarkson fans :lol: :lol: Sounds like the wit and wisdom of Boris Johnson. :roll:
.. as a motorcyclist, I always assume the other people on the road are idiots and have not seen me.
Quite right too. This is normal practice. But it could be you as the idiot one day, if you are speeding and meet another idiot coming the other way

I thought you would like that jacob........... :lol: :lol:
markturner":2l736bkg said:
Jinx":2l736bkg said:
I think an important point has been lost along the way here, even used Markturners thread as a negative rather that what I see it as, a positive. 'Laws are written for the lowest common denominator' What's wrong with that? Not everyone can drive as well as everyone else can they, for example a person who has only passed their test for a few months, or perhaps a person with reduced reaction time due to older age etc etc, and we all have to use the same roads. Making the safest laws for the greatest number seems a good solution to me. There will always be super brilliant drivers around like Markturner and there are facilities provided to match his needs too - fines and prisons. Jinx

Oh, I was wondering when the first one of these would missed the whole point you think I am that conceited and full of myself that I am incapable of recognizing my own limitations or those of others?

have driven high performance cars and motorbikes to their limits, I have competed in races and regularly attend trackday events. I am a skilled and accomplished driver and much better placed than you to judge what I can and cant do safely thanks......
Interesting, but not what I was commenting on.

My 30 years plus experience of the roads, from behind the wheel of a car, handlebars of a bike, or a van have shown me that indeed, yes, I can drive safely yet fast, analyze the situations and act appropriately, without endangering other people.
Speed also reduces your thinking time, and that of the other road user - you may not think this important but they too pay for the use of the road and like any commonly shared facility rules common to all users should be adhered to for safety and politeness.

I dread to think what your idea of excitement involves if you want to see me jailed for exceeding the speed limit safely on a few occasions.......
Personalised insult, I am not offended. Also I do not want to see you jailed, its just that it is often where living outside of the law leads.

I got stopped the other day doing 85 in 50....... they let me off with a warning, as "they could see I was not a danger to other road users" what does that tell you? Its all about the situation.
It tells me the Officer made a poor judgement call.

I did not expect my view to be popular, I was just wanted to express my deep held belief that the individual is often better placed than the state to decide whats right, sensible, and appropriate..........
I welcome your views, but do not feel obliged to agree.

Kind regards, Jinx.
I did not expect my view to be popular, I was just wanted to express my deep held belief that the individual is often better placed than the state to decide whats right, sensible, and appropriate..........
But who is to decide which individuals can make these wise decisions? You may just be a deluded idiot but not realise it. I think there a quite a few dangerous drivers who live in a little fantasy world of their own making.
Well, we seem to have touched on several points here, but clearly there are many of you here who feel feel very strongly that its morally wrong to break the law, any law. And there are many who are taking the moral high ground on the safety issue. Your choice, and I don't criticize you for it. We all live our lives how we see fit. But don't make me out to be some kind of anti social moron, just because I decide that I can drive my car to my own limits. I have never put anyone else's life in danger doing this, that's the whole point...I would only speed where it's SAFE !!!!!! Your problem is that you blindly accept that ALL speeding is unsafe.....ITS NOT!!!!

But , at some point, we all would break a law if we disagreed with it... You made light of my comparison with slavery and women's rights as a comparison with speeding and sure, they don't compare directly, but I was just using it as an example of laws being changed by public pressure when they are generally held to be wrong. Please, all those who pour down their disapproval and self righteous comments, can you honestly sit there and tell me YOU have NEVER broken the law? If the answer is yes, hats off to you and I am sure you must feel very warm and smug about that. However, can you honestly tell me you not oppose an unjust law, that was plainly wrong ? It's a peculiarly English malady, we seem to blindly accept whatever legislation is handed out to us, no matter how badly drafted, ill thought out or inappropriate it may be. And anyone who even questions this, is deemed to be irresponsible, antisocial and selfish. I include many road safety laws in this - for example, the plan to ban hands free phones....whats the difference between conducting a conversation with your wife and kids in the car, or listening to the radio and having a phone conversation? None...yet one is to be banned.......

Anyway, it's a moot point, I feel no need to justify my actions or views, simply putting them out there. I have always done whatever I consider to be the right thing for the situation and it's got me through life fine so far....without leaving a trail of bodies and maimed innocent children behind me......

And Jacob..."deluded idiot"? you can kiss my pineapple mate....

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