Mobile speed Camera Vans

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Oh my...I hadn't quite realised that we had so many sanctimonious finger-wagging tsk-tsk'ing trilby-wearing goodie-goodies.

Presumably these are the same folk who accelerate at a glacial pace.

The same folk who will sit behind a lorry doing well under the speed limit but at such a distance that it prevents anyone from overtaking safely. Well, can't have that happening, can we. After all, to overtake that lorry safely would mean breaking the speed limit temporarily ...can't have that now, can we?
I think if anyone gets caught speeding three times they should bring back the reliant robin and make them drive one for three years while being banned from driving any other car. :lol:
markturner":1bqng2cl said:
........I would only speed where it's SAFE !!!!!!
That's what they all say. Roger is saying it too. It'd do you both good to get nabbed and have to do the speed awareness course
Your problem is that you blindly accept that ALL speeding is unsafe.....ITS NOT!!!!
Nothing blind about it. Speed limits may often seem to be wrong but think of a better system of regulating speed.
In fact the cameras always seem to be sited where there is most risk such as straight suburban roads which look safe but are not.

What about driving on the left? Does that annoy you too? Another unnecessary rule for brilliant skilled drivers in their fast cars? :lol:
We get a lot of dead motorbikers around here, they thought they were top notch too and had big bikes and all the kit. It's been reduced a lot by 50 limits all over the place and camera vans. I was nearly witness to one a bit back - he shot past me at about 70 in a 50 zone - quite safely as the road was empty, but 5 miles on he smacked into the side of a reversing bin lorry.
RogerS":3flg1rgr said:
Oh my...I hadn't quite realised that we had so many sanctimonious finger-wagging tsk-tsk'ing trilby-wearing goodie-goodies.

Presumably these are the same folk who accelerate at a glacial pace.

The same folk who will sit behind a lorry doing well under the speed limit but at such a distance that it prevents anyone from overtaking safely. Well, can't have that happening, can we. After all, to overtake that lorry safely would mean breaking the speed limit temporarily ...can't have that now, can we?
The same people who sit for a mile at 68mph trying to overtake someone doing 67mph.?
Markturner, you only speed when it's safe!? What rubbish.
No, you only speed when you think it's safe. What happens if I start to think like that, when I am a terrible driver?
In my experience, the people who believe themselves to be good drivers are the ones I'd like to keep a good way away from. They may be better at fast cornering or overtaking, but they still scare me.
As to all the cr*p about more accidents because drivers are too preoccupied while looking at the speedo, are these same people who are such good drivers that the law doesn't apply to them? Strange, because I can stick to a pretty much constant speed using my ears, eyes and some sort of feedback mechanism from my right foot, and I'm one of the bad drivers. And anyway, if sticking to 30 is too hard because you have to speedo-watch, what's the solution? No limits at all? At least then you wouldn't be distracted by the dashboard.

Whoever said, earlier in this thread, that putting someone behind the wheel turns them into a nutter really nailed it.
J.B. - what do you do then in 85mph nose to tail motorway traffic in bad weather? stop because you don't like it?
I know the speeding shouldn't happen, but it does.
It's the wrong speed in the wrong place at the wrong time that causes accidents, not just speed.
In the majority of accidents, bad driving is deemed to blame, not excess speed.
Wind the clock back a few years, substitute drink for speed, and the same arguments and opinions were rife. Drink drivers are now rightly seen as scum of the Earth.
"J.B. - what do you do then in 85mph nose to tail motorway traffic in bad weather? stop because you don't like it?"

No, I call you or MarkTurner on my cellphone and ask what the correct speed should be for the prevailing conditions.

But seriously, are you suggesting that I should let the vehicle behind me dictate my speed?
That I couldn't just slow down to a speed that I think is safer(OK, I realize that I am now hypothetically relying on my judgment, but it's my judgement as to how much slower than the limit, rather than how much faster).

I'd love to see you defend yourself in court with that logic:
"Yes, thick fog, but the car behind was doing 85, so I had to keep up".
phil.p":31icjrft said:
J.B. - what do you do then in 85mph nose to tail motorway traffic in bad weather? stop because you don't like it?.......
I slow down to a suitable speed. Not a problem but you do tend to get tailgated by tw|ats and I slow down a little more. And make for the inside lane if possible.
In the not to distant future you will not be able to speed even if you want too because all vehicles will be controlled by big brother via satellite ,but look on the bright side by then only the wealthy will be able to afford to take a car on the road and most if not all of us will be dead n buried :ho2 :ho2 :ho2
MARK.B.":13hcpb89 said:
In the not to distant future you will not be able to speed even if you want too because all vehicles will be controlled by big brother via satellite ,but look on the bright side by then only the wealthy will be able to afford to take a car on the road and most if not all of us will be dead n buried :ho2 :ho2 :ho2

Big brother won't be controlling the car via satellite, the car will be driving itself. Lot of the car companies are doing research into autonomous vehicles.
@ John Brown - if you are such a crap driver, get off the road, and make it safer for people who can actually manage to co ordinate brain and body properly and drive a car as its supposed to be driven. That's half the problem with the roads as well, they are full of really crap drivers.....You think just because you drive slowly, you are safe??? WRONG, WRONG WRONG you have probably been the cause of many accidents, as you potter along in your little bubble of non awareness.....

I give up.........
markturner":2s6hrfox said:
@ John Brown - if you are such a rubbish driver, get off the road, and make it safer for people who can actually manage to co ordinate brain and body properly and drive a car as its supposed to be driven. That's half the problem with the roads as well, they are full of really rubbish drivers.....You think just because you drive slowly, you are safe??? WRONG, WRONG WRONG you have probably been the cause of many accidents, as you potter along in your little bubble of non awareness.....

I give up.........

You're making a lot of assumptions there with your ad hominem ranting! :D

But you haven't really addressed the problem of what you think I should do if it's foggy and the car behind me is doing 85.
It was you, after all, who conjured up this scenario.
[Edit] Just realized that it was not you, but Phil.P who made that remark. Sorry for the misattribution, and over to you, Phil, for the answer please.[/Edit]
If you are in the middle of hundreds of cars doing 85mph, and you think you can be self righteous and slow everything to 70mph I hope I'm nowhere near you. And as for getting into the inside lane, how is it proposed that that is done? The lanes inside you are doing 85mph. In these circumstances there is only one safe speed - 85mph. Reality happens. Sorry.
I'm sure you'd get a round of applause after the multiple pile up.
How do you find yourself in the middle of a group of cars doing 85 in fog, unless your judgement is faulty? I thought the 'uberdrivers' among us were omniscient and could perfectly judge events and conditions, and thus would never find themselves driving inappropriately. If a driver can't predict that pockets of fog can develop then that driver has no place on British roads, also anybody who can be bullied into driving inappropriately certainly doesn't belong behind the wheel.
I can easily be bullied by several hundred vehicles around me. I would be insane to think any other.
You find yourself in that sort of traffic primarily because you wish to go where they are heading, and a motorway isn't the best place to do a "u" turn if you don't like the situation.
Interesting, so you're relying on their judgement to make your driving decisions, sounds like you might make an ideal candidate for a self-driving car.
phil.p":2szvkzsq said:
If you are in the middle of hundreds of cars doing 85mph, and you think you can be self righteous and slow everything to 70mph I hope I'm nowhere near you. And as for getting into the inside lane, how is it proposed that that is done? The lanes inside you are doing 85mph. In these circumstances there is only one safe speed - 85mph. Reality happens. Sorry.
I'm sure you'd get a round of applause after the multiple pile up.

I have to say that I've never found myself in that situation, for which I'm grateful. Probably because I'm not such a good driver as you. I'm the one driving at 25 MPH in a bubble of non-awareness, causing accidents all around me

But are you not presenting a good argument for obeying the speed limits, in the first place?

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