Dr. Bob, I have to confess, I retain a rich vein of such graphic, earthy, hyperbole; garnered from three and a half manic years in "Darry" (Londonderry) in the mid-seventies. My co-shift-workers then were an inventive, coarse, uninhibited bunch of escapees from.the local asylum and at least 20% exhibited mannerisms confirming they were "on something".
Working - and in many of their cases, living - so close to the political and paramilitary maelstrom that was Derry City back then seemed to encourage a cynical, OTT, black sense of humour, most of which was "unbroadcastable by the BBC".
Along the lines of this post's original thrust, I remember fondly "Spider" Kelly, a wee, twitchy man in his late fifties, with a habit of raising his left shoulder up at you in conversation. I later found out he got his moniker in the boxing ring, where his opponents thought he had eight arms he hit them so often in a short space of time...