I fear we have gone completely off topic. The OP wants to know about back bevels which, although similar to the ruler trick and such, is not the same at all.
The ruler trick is to circumvent the laborious process of flattening and fettling the plane iron's back by putting a very low angled bevel there, hence the thin rule as a guide. If I could be bothered doing the trig, it would be less than 1deg; too small to have any real consequence.
Back bevels are made to increase the effective pitch of the cutter. In a bevel down plane, adding a small 5 deg micro bevel effectively turns the plane into York pitch and 10 deg, middle pitch, to deal with cranky grain. I have a 4 1/2 smoother permanently set up with an iron having a 10 deg back bevel, made with the Veritas honing guide the OP is asking about. My other 4 1/2 has a regularly sharpened iron. Between the 2, I can deal with all sorts of ornery and mild timbers with no problems. Both these planes were £10 each (second hand of course), so is possibly the most economical way of getting the benefits of more 'exotic' planes such as LN with York pitch frogs etc. I will upgrade the irons soon though, but still a good economy.