Metal Stamp - Personalise your treasures

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Yeah, it hadn't gone unnoticed (especially at school) that my name abreviated to "Prose". :D I didn't get the "purple" bit until I googled it!
Plumberpete":28msqlrp said:
Here's a bad photo - I can't seem to take detailed close ups with my camera! :?

Macro (close focus) is set by using the macro mode, selected by setting the power switch to the "camera" icon, then the "tulip" button (AKA cursor left on the scroll pad).

It's documented on page 39 of the owner's manual. I'd also recommend lots of light and/or a tripod if you can.

I have today received a reply from Ian as he wanted to simplify his pricing just for you guys so I can post it. After deliberation he says:

Cost of Stamps per character 3-5mm
Within reason any font and design can be achieved with little extra cost stamps can be relief or sunk and are hardened to 60Rc

I wanted to get this from him before letting you guys know. Please mention UKW in your request for a quote


Oh dear ... my Christmas list gets longer. As well as one for me, it would be perfect for my young brother - out - law who has just started dealing furniture.
I wish he had a shorter name though ...
Richard T":3c7vl9mm said:
Oh dear ... my Christmas list gets longer. As well as one for me, it would be perfect for my young brother - out - law who has just started dealing furniture.
I wish he had a shorter name though ...

My surname's just been shortened to Palme, because I'm a tight wad. :lol:
These are really nice traditional stamps and I like them a lot, had I known about this company I'd have probably ordered one, but I had to get mine imported from the states.


The process was dead easy, I just e-mailed them a scan of my signature, and they did the rest. The cost worked out about the same as the ones in this thread, I think that I paid about £70, but got caught for imort duty which added another £15 or so :evil:

Stamping into brass is very hit and miss unfortunately, I got lucky with this one, but it took quite a whack with a lump hammer on an anvil to imprint successfully. It works far better in end grain though.


Argh. I assume they mean "you're not me"? ](*,)

I'm constantly torn over this. Do I wait for Mr Right and hope he has a shorter surname?* Or lookout for an old stamp and hope to find a Mr Right to fit? Decisions decisions. :-k

*And his own workshop, obviously. :wink:
Alf":28w1stkr said:
Argh. I assume they mean "you're not me"? ](*,)

I'm constantly torn over this. Do I wait for Mr Right and hope he has a shorter surname?* Or lookout for an old stamp and hope to find a Mr Right to fit? Decisions decisions. :-k

*And his own workshop, obviously. :wink:

I'm reminded of Bob Flowerdew on Gardeners Question Time:

female audience member: I have a 1/2 acre walled garden. What does the panel recommend I should do?

B. Flowerdew: "marry me."

Pete, didn't realise that, but alas, it irks me even more. Silly asses slaughter the English language and don't think ahead to how the url will read. Grammar and technology failure. Nil points. Tsk. :wink:

Yeah, you're probably thinking "And that's why you're still waiting for Mr Right, Alf" about now, aren't you? :lol:
Hi, Alf

Nothing wrong with having standards.

Jim, I've just ordered two stamps but not specified relief or sunk as I don't know if this applies to the stamp or the stamped if you see what I mean ... not sure I do actually ...
So to simplify it, which is yours? 'Cause I want 'em like that.

With the slow and feeble always a little patience

Many thanks R
Richard T":2o2vzmv6 said:
Jim, I've just ordered two stamps but not specified relief or sunk as I don't know if this applies to the stamp or the stamped if you see what I mean ... not sure I do actually ...
So to simplify it, which is yours? 'Cause I want 'em like that.

With the slow and feeble always a little patience

Many thanks R you're asking....!

I have no idea...just say you want it like Jimi's (KT TOOLS) and I am sure Ian will know what you mean.

I think it is relief but don't quote me on that...I just said I want it like Bill Carter's!

Perhaps when you tell him you could ask him what it is actually called....all this engraving nomenclature has me baffled!

Cheers mate and post a pic when you get them!

I've just pinged off and enquiry for a quote, but I wonder if he could do a date stamp as well that's adjustable...probably not, thinking about it. A set of letter stamps (for Roman numerals) might be another option - Rob
woodbloke":39i79b70 said:
I've just pinged off and enquiry for a quote, but I wonder if he could do a date stamp as well that's adjustable...probably not, thinking about it. A set of letter stamps (for Roman numerals) might be another option - Rob

The stamps are made of hardened steel and engraved onto a rectangle on the end. The remainder of the stamp is really large and suitable for thwacking or pressing.

I think that even professional marks would have had to be retooled each year if they want to record date as well. As far as I am aware... the date is rarely put on tools. I have seen some examples but it is not the norm.

What is your reason for needing dates Rob?


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